Scenes of the Road Challenge #59

August 10th, 2023
Thanks to Dawn for hosting Scenes of the Road #58 challenge and to all who participated. Thank you for your votes for my entry.

Scenes of the Road #59 is now underway.

The goal of this challenge is to capture scenes of the road, on a road, next to a path, traffic on a commute, scenes from the platform at a train station or from a cafe, people waiting and so on .

Start date: 5th August
End date: 5th September
To be eligible, all photos must be taken and posted within this time frame.

Enter as many photos as you wish, but only one image per photographer will be shortlisted.

Tag your entries: scenesoftheroad-59

Entries can be viewed here:

Have fun but stay safe
September 24th, 2023
Suzanne -
As the host of the Weekly SH*T list, sometimes members ask me about wayward challenges.
So, I checked into this one and I am wondering if this challenge was ever voted on?
I will also put a note into your last entry just in case you miss this one!
September 24th, 2023
Hi Wendy, not sure what happened there. i hve been away a lot and missed doing it. My apologies and thanks for your diligence. I will get on to it, Suzanne
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