BLD in a Triptych Challenge

August 23rd, 2023
Many thanks to Jessica @princessjessica for being the hostess with the mostess for the last BLD (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) Challenge. It is my honour to take on the role of hostess for this the 23rd flavoursome challenge.

Food photography relies very much on the positioning and lighting of the components of the composition. Look through a foodie magazine or recipe book's photographs, no part of the images has been left to chance, every sesame seed, crumb and angle has been carefully thought through.

There is no overall foodie theme to this BLD Challenge, but i'd like to see your images presented as a triptych.

A triptych is a series of three interrelated images, usually presented linearly. How you select, and present, your three images is totally up to you. You could show progression from preparation to serving; have three similar fruits or colours; use colour grading or another processing tool, to give a visual link, show three courses or even a breakfast, a lunch and a dinner.

Below are some useful links on composing triptychs, but use any search engine to find more that may be of use.

Please tag your triptych BLD entry BLD-23.

Challenge Starts 23rd August
Challenge Closes 1st October

Previous BLD Challenges:

BLD-1: no theme
BLD-2: black and white
BLD-3: no theme
BLD-4: sandwiches
BLD-5: fruit and veggies
BLD-6 : you are what you eat
BLD-7: Thanksgiving food
BLD-8: your Christmas Holiday table
BLD-9: chocolate
BLD-10: Layers
BLD-11 & 12: no theme
BLD-13: People and Food
BLD-14: no theme
BLD-15: Liquid
BLD-16: Celebration
BLD-17: Candy cane
BLD-18: Comfort foods
BLD-19: Golden Triangle
BLD-20: For publication
BLD-21: Food on the go
BLD-22: Rituals and Traditions
BLD-23 Triptych (Current Challenge)

Entires can be found and do please post entries in the thread below to keep it active in the Discussions Prompts.
August 24th, 2023
sounds like an interesting challenge
August 24th, 2023
@grammyn I think this challenge is coming to its natural demise, fewer and fewer people taking part ☹️
August 24th, 2023
this seems easy enough, i wanna try :)
August 24th, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond it’s a bit too oddly defined! It’s not really a food photography challenge as it stands
August 24th, 2023
@arnica17 oh looking forwards to your interpretation
@brigette the BLD bit or the triptych theme?
@grammyn hoping you'll play along
August 24th, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond the BLD generally imho 😬
August 26th, 2023
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