Announcing Mundane Tomato

February 20th, 2024
I say to-may-to you say to-mah-to. But instead of calling the whole thing off let's take photographs of it. It can be growing on the vine, it can be sliced onto a hamburger, it can be chopped up into salsa or pureed into ketchup (catsup?) for a hot dog or juice for a Bloody Mary (Now there’s an idea). However you want to present your tomato just make sure it is the star of the show.

And before I forget, let me add a big thanks to Junan Heath @paintdripper for hosting the last round and to all those who participated and those who took the time to view and vote for the finalists.

This round starts today, February 20, and ends on March 20

Please tag your entries mundane-tomato

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