Architectural 4 Challenge - It's All about the Light

March 18th, 2024
Thank you, John or @lumpiniman for creating this challenge. Photographing architecture can be a unique art form.

And thank you to Taffy @taffy for hosting the third round of this challenge and to those who chose my image of the Calgary library for Architecture, Round 3.

In John’s words,

There are many buildings, be they castles, churches, temples, mosques, stately homes etc. The list could go on infinitum. Another way to classify buildings is residential, commercial, or industrial. The buildings may remain the same, however, the change in seasons and even weather is reflected in both the building itself and its surroundings.

We will concentrate on lighting in this round of the architectural photography challenge. Good lighting is essential for creating dramatic architectural photos. Whether interior or exterior, make the buildings the stars with the use of lighting.

Whether it is dramatic lights of the night, the sun streaming through stain glass of a cathedral, the soft flickering light of a candle or coal oil lamp illuminating a cozy room, or the harsh light of long hallway, use the existing light to create a mood. Feel free to use other elements in the photograph to create emotion as well.

Can a cloudy, overcast day generate a somber mood of an imposing building? Will a bright day give a ‘doors always open’ feel to a welcoming verandah? Will candlelight create a warm, intimate atmosphere?

Here are some places you can explore for this challenge.

- Your home
- Museums
- Libraries
- Theatres and opera houses
- Leisure spaces
- Transport hubs
- Commercial buildings such as shopping malls and office blocks
- Docklands
- Subways
- Town halls and municipal buildings

And a link on architectural photography:

The challenge will run from March 18th to Thursday, April 18th
Please tag your entries: architecture-4
Entries can be found here:
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