People challenge #31 - Framing

June 5th, 2024
Thank you to Vincent @vincent24 for hosting the last challenge. And many thanks to all those who participated and voted.

Photographing people can be great fun but also nerve-wracking; taking candid shots sometimes is easier but also engaging with the person or a group can produce great results. Whichever method you choose, capturing photos of loved ones records our memories and gives much pleasure.

Framing in photography simply refers to a compositional technique that helps bring attention directly to your subject, by blocking off part of the image to form a frame around a point of interest in your photo. It’s main goal is to draw the viewer’s eye to what’s most important, but it also works by making the scene look more interesting too, which makes the photo more compelling!
Using frames for composition will also help bring a sense of depth in your photos, which is a great thing to do in photography, because it creates a more three-dimensional feel (no mean feat since the camera flattens the world - our job is to bring back that depth!)
For ideas and inspiration read this page.

So the theme for People-31 is FRAMING

I’m starting from the end of the previous challenge. So any photo taken from 1th June 2024 to 30th of June 2024 can enter this challenge.

Tag: people-31

Previous subjects have been:

1. Silly
2. In Uniform
3. Strangers
4. Negative space (N-Space)
5. In Motion
6. Holiday
7. Relaxing
8. Working
9. Getting Ready
10. Colourful
11. Having fun
12. No theme
13. Celebration
14. Outdoors
15. Photographer
16. Silhouette
17. In a crowd
18. In a car
19. 1-3-5
20. Busyness
21. No theme
22. environmental portrait
23. Waiting
24. People and their pets
25. People in Transit
26. Joy
27. EYES
28. Family&Friends
29. Outside
30. Reflection
31. Framing

Have fun capturing family, friends or strangers

Entries can be seen here.
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