460/500. Worked out like a champ yesterday but then ate too many carbs afterwards to undo all that good work. Gah. FML. Such is life. Going for a jog soon then gonna bake in the sun. Feels like summer today and Ms. T is happy. Pic taken last month. Cheating and posting today. Sundays are for selfies. Happy Sunday!
@paulty@thirdjoe@tomtom hehe am trying to eat healthier though... Husband wanted to get a burger last night. Couldn't resist although I'm trying to cut out red meat completely because of my ongoing health concerns. Also couldn't resist getting fries too. Ordered sweet potato fries instead because I heard they are a bit healthier. But, really, when you're eating a shit ton of 'em, I can't believe they're all that much healthier lol.
@tonydebont thanks. And don't worry...I could never starve myself of anything I enjoy. I also like food too much. I just have to remember everything in moderation...
@drsridhar thank you :)