1.9.17 by fauxtography365


Possibly a filler pic until I can post something better, if I have time.

Long shift today at work.

Having a good hair day, I think. For about 3-4 years, my husband used to cut my hair. Not that he's good at it or does it for a living or anything. In fact, he's kind of awful at it. Actually to be fair, he cuts it ok. But when he did it...it always just looked slightly fucked up lol.

I refuse to pay a lot for a haircut these days. Don't get me wrong, I have spent hundreds of dollars getting my hair done. I just can't justify it anymore. Anyway, my husband cutting my hair ended about a a year and a half ago. When he snipped my bra strap instead of my hair. And I was more upset about the bra than anything else.

Nowadays I get my haircut (inexpensively) by a man I'll just call T. Lol. He's Russian with a thick Russian and Brooklyn accent. He tells me my hair is beautiful. (He just wants me to tip him well.). And he lets me play candy crush on his phone.

So here's my pic for today. It's fucking COLD out there. Bundle up.

Likely story. "Oh, dear! I seem to have accidentally cut off all your clothes."

The Russian/Brooklyn accent reminded me of a story I heard on NPR about 3 years ago. I have no idea what the story was about but the guy they were interviewing had the most remarkable accent. I couldn't place it. Fortunately, it was NPR and the interview was an extended one, so I was able to figure it out several minutes before the story ended...the guy was Chinese but learned English in Ireland.
January 10th, 2017  
Hmmmm, now snipping that bra strap, hmmmm....accidental hmmmm
January 10th, 2017  
@timerskine I find accents so interesting. I'm never good at placing the really obscure ones. I know some people have trouble understanding people with accents.. I'm actually pretty good and understanding heavily accented English. But I think a lot of New Yorkers can because of exposure to such diversity. But never heard of the scenario you described.
January 10th, 2017  
@tosee it honestly was accidental and not some kind of seduction maneuver lol.
January 10th, 2017  
Love the shine on your luxurious mane.
January 10th, 2017  
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