Out of practice with self portraits. Oh well. On a random note...I think I'm still kind of in denial about the state of politics. Sometimes, I feel ok and hopeful (like yesterday.) Then after some time has passed, I feel panicky and anger. And THEN, I watch the news (often a mistake) and I'm just, like, omgomgomgSHUTUPkellyanneconway and your alternative facts.
It's time for action now, I guess.
And time for a remote clicker thing for these self portraits. Been wanting one for the past 4 years. Think I should finally get one.
A remoteclickerthing is definitely worth it! A lot of your selfies I can imagine you hitting the timed shutter, jumping into position, checking the shot, repeat, repeat :)
beautiful shadow, nice work! done my share of selfies this way, i have a fold out screen on my camera that is so useful for this stuff, remote clicker would be good too...
I agree with @kali66. The hand shadow is amazing. I never knew you could depth of field from a shadow.
B&H Photo will sell you the appropriate remoteclickerthingy for a competitive price. They delivered mine in 48 hours, so seeing as how you're in the same city it shouldn't take very long for you to get it.
B&H Photo will sell you the appropriate remoteclickerthingy for a competitive price. They delivered mine in 48 hours, so seeing as how you're in the same city it shouldn't take very long for you to get it.