Downtown  by fauxtography365


I was on the F or Q train the other night. Can't remember. Mirrored half of this image.

Anyway, in the subway car next to this one, it was empty except for one homeless dude with all his bags, occupying one end of that car. At each stop, people would attempt to get on that car and then quickly get out. I'm not exactly sure why. I can only guess a few things..

1. He probably smelled
2. He probably was pissing all over the train or doing something weird
3. He might harrass anyone who got on

Either way, the passengers who got on and then quickly got out of that car and into the one I was in, kept saying things like "omg that's so gross." I have no idea what he was doing and I kept trying to look through the window to that car to see but I couldn't tell.

The looks on people's faces ranged from fear to disgust to amusement.

What the fuck was he doing???

You always know that when a train pulls up and there's an empty car it's usually because of a few things:

It's either because that car has no heat or air conditioning.


Someone either took a shit or threw up in that car and they haven't cleaned it yet.


It's some transient person as described above who's gonna make your subway ride even more unpleasant...
Sweet effect.
February 24th, 2017  
Clever piece of work. At first glance it looks like a regular shot.
February 25th, 2017  
Very cool processing to create this image
February 26th, 2017  
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