I think the dogs would have been happier if at the end of the hour drive there had been a pool rather than the salty ocean from which they tried in vain to drink. And the waves knocked them around. Lucy reminded me of those little sandpiper birds that stay always on the shore edge of the incoming waves. I wonder if they would have come out farther if I had gone in myself that day. As it was, they were agreeable enough about running in with me and then running back out, making an endless loop. I don't think I've run so much in 20 years, which shows, I suppose, what we do for canine friends. They would of course have been even happier to run on their own, off leash. But the beach was too crowded and the park rangers were driving by periodically in their trucks. As far as the eye could see, people had bought preemies and driven over the sand, so I was pretty sure we'd have to go miles and miles before finding solitude. So the dogs stayed on their leashes and I ran in and out of the water with them. Then a big poodle came by and all thoughts of water were left aside and lots of barking happened. Good time was had by all (well, by most, but that's another story entirely).
(Photo credit Joe)