What Are You Looking At? by gaylewood

What Are You Looking At?

A little story behind this photo . . . this gentleman was just about ready to throw a ball in an attempt to win a stuffed animal and I was all set to get an action shot of him throwing the ball. He must have sensed someone was looking at him because he stopped, turned around, and gave me this "please go away" look. I definitely got the message and moved on . . . but I did get one shot. :-)
What a look! Did he win after you moved along? Fantastic shot.
February 14th, 2017  
February 14th, 2017  
Lol his face says it all, I do think it's great shot
February 14th, 2017  
Great expression and background.
February 14th, 2017  
Quick shutter finger! Love the colors and his expression. Fav
February 14th, 2017  
Ha! nice one, Gayle! I would have never gotten this shot!
February 14th, 2017  
Love the look :)
February 14th, 2017  
Whoa! Not such a happy camper there in the land of delight!
February 14th, 2017  
'If looks could kill' Wow he wasn't too pleased! But we are :-)
February 14th, 2017  
he's not happy. Perhaps he thought you would put him off his game
February 14th, 2017  
Great capture - see what you mean about the look,
February 14th, 2017  
Great shot, colors
February 14th, 2017  
I'm glad I read your explanation. I was thinking that whoever was running this booth should have a friendlier look.
February 14th, 2017  
Not a happy chappy :)
February 14th, 2017  
Ooooh very brave to keep taking the photo. So a question: is it ok to post photos without checking with the person? I'm not keen to take people photos unless I have spoken to them or know them.
February 14th, 2017  
Turned out pretty clear considering you didn't have a lot of time!
February 14th, 2017  
Great candid shot!
February 15th, 2017  
I certainly like this one, and can relate to fear or concern for shooting people I don't know. However, if you are in the public domain, you can feel pretty confident that you are well within your rights to take people's images. On occasion, someone will ask me what I am doing or why I am taking their picture, and I usually tell them that I like something they are wearing, their eyes, their style, particular color that I happen to be shooting that day, whatever ... and very seldom will they actually ask me to delete. But if they do, I will right away, and apologize for making them feel uncomfortable.
February 15th, 2017  
Great capture. I'm not good at getting street shots of people. Definitely a Fav.
February 15th, 2017  
@365projectorgjenfurj Hi, Jen! Since I've been taking street and people photos this month I've been trying to stay current on the whole issue of the legal aspects of taking and posting photos of people without consent. As Glover commented above, if you are in the public domain it is legally within your rights to take and post people's images without consent unless there is an expectation of privacy involved as in a public bathroom or hospital. I've only had a couple of people say no to having their photo taken and I just thank them and move along. I'm not sure if the gentleman in this photo was bothered by me taking his photo or the fact that I interrupted his concentration as he was just about to throw the ball for a prize. Since my finger was all set on the shutter button when he looked my way, I clicked once and moved along. In this situation, I felt I had already annoyed him a bit by interrupting his game and decided not to pursue more photos of him. I've been amazed by how open and receptive most people are to having their photo taken . . . I always give an explanation of my photo project which they usually find very interesting. I actually made prints of the shots for the barber, raspa man, and The Alamo guard . . . I went back and gave them their photo which really surprised them. :-)
February 16th, 2017  
@gaylewood thanks so much Gayle for taking the time to explain. The few street people photos I have taken over the last 14 months I have explained & asked & it is ok. With all the different digital/social media about I was curious about the legality of it all. That's a great idea about getting the photo printed and going back & giving it to the person. I just wasn't sure about the ones where we don't directly speak to the person/people. Thanks again. @ggshearron
February 16th, 2017  
Yes - he does look as if he'd like you to beetle off! Ha ha. Nice capture.
February 21st, 2017  
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