Greetings! I'm from Connecticut (USA) Photography is one of my lifelong passions (others including gardening, woodworking, history, and being a part...
@horse Hallooooo Andria - Really nice to hear from you, and thanks ever so much for the fave. It was a sweet one indeed, and as previously mentioned, it was even sweeter because it came from my neighbor's bush! I couldn't help but nick a few, but only a few :-) Be well, Les
@purplewitch Had to say a special thank you for checking in and leaving me such a great comment. It's always a real thrill to hear from someone new. Be well, Les
@titam Just wanted to say a special thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave me such a welcome comment. it's always so cool to hear from someone new! Be well, Les
Hope everyone is well, Les x
:-) Be well, Les