Retired educator - taught mathematics in high school, went back to graduate school, worked in research labs, and finally went back and taught computer science...
So nice to see a picture of her after you were mentioning her last week. Just realized that I was not following you and have now figured out why I never see your photos posted. Sorry about that.
@lislee75 Thank you Lisa, @triplescoop Thank you Andrea. @webfoot Thank you Paul, @brumbe Thank you Paula,
Mom turned 96 in February and we try to take the ride up to see her once a week, even though she can't move around to well her mind is as sharp as ever.
Harry, looking through your pictures through the last few days i have to say this is my favorite. i love that you can see her smile! like mentioned above, great angle used!
@triplescoop Thank you Andrea.
@webfoot Thank you Paul,
@brumbe Thank you Paula,
Mom turned 96 in February and we try to take the ride up to see her once a week, even though she can't move around to well her mind is as sharp as ever.
@pamfromcalgary Thank you Pam,
Mom will appreciate the compliments
@saclunch Thank you Tanya
@wac Thank you Wendy, I try to be
@highway266 Thank you Ted, yes they are
@seattle Thank you Constance, she still has her facilities