The photoadaymay challenge for today was something you wore today. I did wear one of those hats. The photos on the hall are my great-great-grandfather with his GAR medal (US Civil War), Gail's great-grandfather in his band uniform, and the one you really can't see is my great-grandmother. Best Viewed Large
Retired educator - taught mathematics in high school, went back to graduate school, worked in research labs, and finally went back and taught computer science...
@kerristephens Thank you Kerri, I enjoy hats @karenann Thank you Karen, we enjoy them also @marilyn Thank you Marilyn, Gail says I should organize my hats better :)
@kimmistephens Thank you Kimmi, I like my hats and wear all of them (at different times, of course) @mstipe Thank you Michelle, both Gail and I are also genealogists and are the keepers of both sides memorabilia @peterdegraaff Thank you Peter, I think hats (not caps) should come back in style :)
@tooki Thank you Tooki, I am lucky that we are the keepers of the family memorabilia (probably because on the photos, I make copies and distribute them :) @grannysue Thank you Linda, I always loved hats and liked to wear them
@karenann Thank you Karen, we enjoy them also
@marilyn Thank you Marilyn, Gail says I should organize my hats better :)
@mstipe Thank you Michelle, both Gail and I are also genealogists and are the keepers of both sides memorabilia
@peterdegraaff Thank you Peter, I think hats (not caps) should come back in style :)
@grannysue Thank you Linda, I always loved hats and liked to wear them