Bunco sheet by homeschoolmom

Bunco sheet

Bunco is an easy dice game. It's played in various ways, but we play the easiest way. In tables of 4, you take turn rolling the 3 dice. First round you try to roll 1s, second 2s,...….. up to 6. If you roll 3 of that round's number, then it's a Bunco and you win. If you roll 3 of another number, then it's a little bunco and worth 5 points. First person to get a Bunco or 21 points win. Two winners from each table move on to next table, except for the head table where winners stay and losers move on. We give little prizes for most wins, most loses, most Buncos and most little buncos. It's a fast-paced game, and you are constantly playing with different people. It's a lot of fun. We eat, we chat, and we forget what round we are on! LOL!
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