A Glimmer of Red by jmdeabreu

A Glimmer of Red

Today, the weight of the world pressed down on my shoulders, threatening to extinguish the last flicker of hope within. Waves of grief crashed over me, leaving me gasping for air, lost in a sea of pain. Ironically the work was like the asthma pump helping me breathe.
Red. His favourite colour. The colour of passion, of warmth, of unwavering love. The colour that reminds me of Chev, his vibrant spirit, and the fiery joy he brought to my life.
With trembling hands, I chose a vessel to honour his memory – easily the red lantern over the silver one. The glass shimmering like a thousand rubies. A sanctuary for his essence, a beacon that shines bright in the face of darkness.
As I light the candle, its radiant glow casts dancing shadows on the walls, painting a portrait of resilience and remembrance. Each flicker a reminder that love’s flame can never be extinguished.
Though my heart aches with a longing that words cannot express, I will forever cherish the love that binds us together. And as I light his candle each and every day, I honour his memory, carry his spirit within me, and spread his radiant light into the world.

Thought for the day: As a candle shares its flame with another, so too can we share love and memories, illuminating the lives of others and keeping the spirit of our loved ones alive.
Hold oh Jose, Hold on.
June 2nd, 2024  
Thanks ❤️
June 2nd, 2024  
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