Photo Hazards by jmdeabreu

Photo Hazards

Day 291/365 (2Sep2024)
Okay, so, the weekend happened. It was... stuff happened. Let’s just say I’m feeling a bit like a turtle retreating into its shell. But hey, at least I got some letters drafted for that “From Me To You” charity. Snail mail, who knew? I’m actually weirdly excited about using this fancy stationery and my favourite fountain pen. I might even colour-code the envelopes, just for kicks. Three letters a night sounds doable... right? Focus, brain, focus!
Speaking of night, it’s like someone flipped the “darkness” switch earlier and earlier. Is it just me, or is time moving at warp speed? No sun today, but it was still bright. My brain is like that sometimes, sunny on the outside, hurricane of thoughts on the inside.
So, I decided to take a walk to Earlswood Lakes for some nighttime photography. Nature is supposed to be calming, right? Well, it was, until I attempted to become one with the coots. I was so mesmerised by these fluffy water birds that I completely forgot about the concept of gravity. Next thing I know, I’m doing an impromptu backflip, landing with a thud on the concrete. Thankfully, the lake remained undisturbed. I’m pretty sure a few dog walkers got a good laugh out of it. Graceful, I am not.
But, the photos I took turned out alright! I captured some interesting scenes around the lake, even if I did take a bit of a tumble in the process. There’s something magical about the way the light plays on the water at night, and I think I managed to capture a bit of that magic. Plus, it’s a good reminder that even when life throws you a curveball (or sends you tumbling backwards), there’s always beauty to be found if you look for it – or at least a big laugh!
So yeah, that was my Monday. A mix of quiet moments, clumsy mishaps, and a touch of creative inspiration.
How was your day? Did you also try to breakdance with nature? Or maybe you just managed to stay upright? Share your stories, I could use a laugh!
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