Friday’s Portal by jmdeabreu

Friday’s Portal

Day 302/365 (13Sep2024)
Friday the 13th, eh? Decided to treat myself to a solo date night, starting with a horror flick, “Speak No Evil.” James McAvoy as the smiling devil? Genius casting! Dude was so creepy, I swear my popcorn kept jumping out of the bowl.
Movie ended, and suddenly, Wide awake. Home? Nah, too boring. Cue the prog rock playlist and a midnight stroll through Cheltenham. Green lights, red lights, cowboys in the streets... Yep, officially lost the plot.
Oh, look! The Town Hall! Snap That’s one for Instagram. And why is that office building lit up like a Christmas tree? Someone missed the memo about weekends, clearly.
Seriously though, who schedules a cowboy convention on Friday the 13th? Was it some kind of “urban hoedown” gone wrong? The mind boggles.
Maybe I should’ve joined them. Two-stepping might’ve been a better way to burn off that post-movie adrenaline than wandering around taking photos of random buildings.
Finally, a touch of normalcy amidst the chaos. A splash of colour in the darkness, flowers reaching for the moonlight, reminding me that even on the spookiest of nights, beauty can still be found.
I got some cool shots for my “Cheltenham After Dark” collection. And who knows, maybe those office workers are onto something. Maybe the real horror is facing Monday morning with nothing but a weekend’s worth of Netflix binging to show for it.
And as I near home, there it stands: the iconic Pittville Gates. But tonight, it’s different. Bathed in a strange, almost ethereal light, it looks like a portal to another dimension. A fitting end to a night of bizarre encounters in Cheltenham. Guess I’ll sleep with the lights on tonight!
In any case, it’s time to call it a night. If I see any more glowing gates or rogue cowboys, I’m blaming it on the cheese I ate before the movie. Sweet dreams (hopefully)!
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