Hi Laura, (quite literally, since I'm posting on your self-image!). Thank you for the challenge of doing a montage. I have really needed to learn how to do them, as I have a hole on several calendar dates on which I have planned to do one, but have not figured out how yet. So your challenge is very appropriate for me!
For yours, what would you think of doing food photography? I looked back through over a year of your photos, and I saw some fruit, and a birthday cake, but didn't see much else in the way of food. It could be a meal at home, a meal at a restaurant, but some kind of prepared food . . . what would you think of that?
PS I've been traveling and just got home last night so I'll be uploading some catch-up images first, but then I'll begin serious work on learning to do a montage!
@la_photographic -- yes, please! I know a montage involves multiple images, and I don't have software like Photoshop to put them together but I think there's some freeware available but I haven't done the search yet. I don't think you can do it in camera like I did with double images challenge a few weeks ago where you shoot one photo and then shoot another on top of it. I do have some software on my ipad and @vankrey is coming over in a little while so I had planned on consulting him to see what he knows about creating montages and how that is different from the few collages I created using ipad software. Any help appreciated!
A few years ago I created a montage using a film camera and no software. I took a few photos and printed them off. I then put each image beside each other and rephotographed them if that is any use.
For yours, what would you think of doing food photography? I looked back through over a year of your photos, and I saw some fruit, and a birthday cake, but didn't see much else in the way of food. It could be a meal at home, a meal at a restaurant, but some kind of prepared food . . . what would you think of that?