June 25 by linnypinny

June 25

A good representation of how my day is going...I've paid for PicMonkey this year, but it is not working, so no editing right now. I'm also so completely disappointed in friends that are now showing their true colors...the best thing for me to do is take a long social media break (but not from 365...see you peeps tomorrow)
Oh! He's frightening! I quit doing the FB time suck a while ago. It just pissed me off and ran up my blood pressure. =)
June 25th, 2024  
Totally agree with Mags. FB can be a hurtful and malicious hangout. Better off by ignoring it completely. But I'm loving your flea market finds, they are awesome!
June 25th, 2024  
Oh dear social media friends just are not friends I fear. Delete them and only liaise ith those you see properly in 3D!!
June 25th, 2024  
FB can be such a poisonous place
June 25th, 2024  
What a misery
June 25th, 2024  
Social media sights(365 not included) have no place for true friendships. I hope that your da improves.
June 25th, 2024  
Oh, Lin. I am so sorry to hear of your frustrations right now. It must be maddening to Have people that you thought were friends disappoint you. It did give you a fun tag for this photo. And the photo is a perfect expression of how we all feel sometimes
June 25th, 2024  
Sometimes less is more don’t ya think? This is another creepy cool flea market find.
June 25th, 2024  
The image expresses your mood at the moment. I never spend time on social media so I don't have so many friends, but I think I am doing it right.
June 25th, 2024  
social media sucks - i’m not overly active on FB anymore because there’s too many people on their that are just…well…poo poo heads
June 26th, 2024  
The scream! So about your issues atm, I feel like that sometimes too.
June 26th, 2024  
Fortunately, all these programs and devices can still be turned off.
June 26th, 2024  
I look just like your photo when dealing with editing software, or technology in general. I don't use Facebook much these days. Over it. Totally. Hang in there.
June 26th, 2024  
Faving because I do love dark themes, but also because I can understand exiting social media and loss of 'good' friends. I only do this and YouTube watching now. Life is much better without the bs. Hang in there. Whatever the side of the fence you sit on, consider yourself hugged.
July 9th, 2024  
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