Joya by lizzybean


I have enjoyed this beautiful Sunday morning outside on the steps with coffee, the computer and my Border Collie. I feel blessed every day that I am able to do so. I don't have much to say, but I did want to utilize this space to mention someone dear to all who knew her. The death of a friend is an occurrence that awakens something inside each of us. For me, it was wonderful memories of several years of long days at work, exhausted laughter, endless conversations, and that smile. My heart is broken for Joya's two boys, her Dad and sisters. Nothing any of us can say will ease the sense of and perhaps the anger that accompanies- an unfair loss. Every day is a gift, my friends, and I am using this part of my Sunday morning to let you all know that you are very important to me. Each and every one of you on the 365 has enriched my life in one way or another in your own unique talented manner, and I hope I have in some small way made your days a little brighter, too. Be kind to each other.
Finally, peace my friend. You have earned it.
These flowers are lovely colours - Louise
August 25th, 2013  
💗 Xx
August 25th, 2013  
So pretty!
August 25th, 2013  
These are gorgeous, Lizzy. An unfair loss is a catalyst for a torrent of mixed emotions, but seeing this, I'm sure she would smile and remember, as you do, the good times you shared together. My thoughts are with you.x
August 27th, 2013  
my thoughts are with you,Lizzy---beautiful image and lovely color :)
August 28th, 2013  
What beautiful thoughts and words Lizzy.. thanks for sharing.
September 2nd, 2013  
@lizzy---- thanks and hope all's well--missing u here:)
September 2nd, 2013  
Gorgeous detail and comp
September 6th, 2013  
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