• September 2024

1st Sep 2024 - Clover and Popo...
2nd Sep 2024 - The green woods...
3rd Sep 2024 - Ponytail...
4th Sep 2024 - The Sweetgum trees have begun to turn...
5th Sep 2024 - Crotalaria spectabilis...
6th Sep 2024 - It was a lovely morning...
7th Sep 2024 - Butterflies are welcome here...
8th Sep 2024 - Another lovely morning...
9th Sep 2024 - The approach...
10th Sep 2024 - The potted coleus...
11th Sep 2024 - The landing...
12th Sep 2024 - Soon as the weather turns...
13th Sep 2024 - A pot of happy sedum...
14th Sep 2024 - Not too bad for a morning temp...
15th Sep 2024 - Yellow zinnias...
16th Sep 2024 - Back yard...
17th Sep 2024 - Begonia...
19th Sep 2024 - American goldfinch...
21st Sep 2024 - She must be thinking that I don't see her...
22nd Sep 2024 - Front porch...
26th Sep 2024 - The calm...