Ibis by mastermek


Just a high contrast failure. Unfortunately it was the best I could get since our new Ibis bridge has been crammed between the highrise.

The Ibis is a drawbridge for cyclists and pedestrians to improve access to our 'Wijnhaveneiland' (the island I work on, on the left in this picture). Luckily we can soon cross the 'Scheepmakershaven' without being chased over by cars. Too bad however it's going nowhere. There is nothing at the other side except a main road (for cars) and the river Maas (for floating objects).

I'm sure it's a prestige project of some counselor because there are already two bridges across the harbor. One about 50m to one side (this bridge is hardly visible in the background and yes, this route needs a small detour around the block, which means you'd better take a bridge another 50m further away :-) and the other 100m to the other side. Coming from elsewhere to the 'Wijnhaveneiland' you will always pass one of these bridges first.

If the Ibis is finished it will be part of an 'ongoing route' because Haring also designed the Punt bridge. This bascule bridge on the other side of the island was built only 25m next to an existing one and the 'ongoing route' is only blocked by a skyscraper. Plans for this architectural outburst probably date from before the crisis.

Now, about the design. In closed position the bridge by architect Marja Haring is just a strange 'bird'. It doesn't really fit the spot but I have to admit it is an eyecatcher. Even though I don't find it very attractive.

The bridge was already finished but for some reason they removed the complete road section again. I suppose it didn't fit.

In open position the curve in the lever of the bridge is broken as you can see in the picture. I think Haring considers this as a necessary evil and with the road section in place it probably is. However, with the bridge taken away and knowing it was there already, the lever somehow looks like a helpless power instrument, heavily emphasized by this broken line. I felt sorry which is why I took this picture and decided to post it.
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