On the colour image I would have said to lighten the foreground, on this one, I would have tried darkening the sky a little. Either way, I like it. Did you try cropping the sky a little? Where did it pull your eyes?
@byrdlip Thank you for the critique, J A. I did do a little cropping and liked where the lines were. There was no room on the right to adjust where the house is. I did try to darken the whole picture but didn't like what I got. I'm now sure how I could just darken the sky alone. Some things to think about, though. On the color one, I did lighten the shadows some which did lighten the foreground.
I think colors add so much to a country scene I`ll seldom do a B+W. In my childhood it was usely and nessesarly but now we have so much technic color is n`t expensive eny more. In Art pic.`s I love it. Then it`s a tool to express.
@pyrrhula Thank you for your thoughts, Pyrrhula. I like to try B&W once in awhile but I do agree with you, I do really think color works better for most things, especially when it comes to nature.