This is a small skipper butterfly, sometimes simply called a skipper. When it flies, it looks like it's darting or skipping around rapidly, hence the name. (If I were a butterfly, I'd be named The Slow One. 8D )
Skippers have a unique posture when they rest or bask in the sun, and I was lucky enough to capture this in my shot. See the wings? They look like that because the forewings are open only halfway (at an angle) while the hindwings are open fully.
I'd probably be the slow one, too! I haven't been running since I broke my leg about 2 years ago! Wow, he sure has a hairy back, doesn't he? Reminds me of some of the men in these parts! :-/
Stunning capture, Livia ... you always show me something that I'd never notice or have not even seen before. AND you tell me things that I never knew ... your knowledge and artistic touch combined are a formidable combination. Yay!!
What a cool butterfly! His eyes look like stereo headphones! LOL! You find the coolest bugs, Livia! I think you're a magnet for them. They've heard how famous you can make them! =)
Hey Livia is this the same butterfly i caught today the 18th? I thought it was a moth and i didnt know they were called Skipper's!! I love it!! You learn something new every day on here!!
@ellimae Oooh, they sure look very similar! But I'm not an expert in these matters and I can't say for certain if they are or aren't the same kind of butterfly. (Probably is? 8D )
A great, big, skip-happy, warm-hued, oh-so-fuzzy and happy "THANK YOU!" to all! I like seeing these skippers. I think they're very photogenic but they are impossible to photograph unless they are very still. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to drop by. I appreciate your encouraging comments. Thank you! 8)
Wonderful. We have Small Skippers and several other species too. This chap has such vibrant colours. I want to try and get a shot of a Lulworth Skipper this year, which only lives on the land around Lulworth Cove in Dorset! +F btw. :))
Great capture, Livia.
Great focus and beautiful details
Nice pic Livia
Love his wings Livia ...great macro:)