I was amazed to see another dragonfly at the park, and even more amazed to see how this shot came out. (Clueless, I am clueless!) It was a cloudy, humid morning. The sunlight was weak. That really warm, gold-hued, looks-like-delicious-cappuccino color of the background is really just a lot of sand on the ground! XD
This shot feels a little zen-like to me, partly because of the tones and partly because of Mr Dragonfly's wise and perfectly calm expression.
View large for more details if you have the time! 8)
I really love his position in the frame. Beautiful. I'm curious...how big are your dragonflies? I finally found one tonight, but even shooting macro at 1:1 the details are nowhere near this large.
@cmc1200 This one was about 2in (5cm) long. I think that's about the average size of most dragonflies I see here. I was extremely close—maybe a couple of inches or even less between my lens and the dragonfly—to this one when I shot it because my 30mm macro lens (having a shorter focal length than most macro lenses) demands that I get as close as I can. I also choose the largest image size setting for my camera.
You are really on a roll, Livia with all these fabulous fav shots. This is just so awesome and I love the cappucino tones and that incredible expression on that little guy. Totally amazing one of a kind shot. FAV!
@myautofocuslife Hmmm....I'm shooting RAW, have a quite nice 60mm lens and my shots are crap! I did determine I'm shooting damsel flies, so they do look different. I think I'll work on insect macro this week.
A great, big, sandy-hued, insightful, deeply appreciative, calm and serene "THANK YOU!" to everyone for stopping by! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to take a look and write a comment. I am grateful for your support and encouragement. Thank you very much!
The colours and as you say the dragonflys zen like expression makes this a fav