The radio is actually keeping me saneee right now. No jokes.
This picture basically sums up my head right now. I'll explain :p I'm doing a lot of revision and have a lot of other stuff going on, so my head's all a bit messy and blurry right now (see bottom of photo) and then today I've been revising gas exchange on a leaf, transpiration, water flow through stems (as well as chem, DT, the circulatory system, and gas exchange in fish/insects). It was the longest bio topic ever and tbh, not very entertaining and I find the human stuff a lottt more interesting then the plant stuff. Anyway, by the end of it, I pretty much felt like hitting my head against a brick wall repeatedly :p But yeah, leaves are a bit on the periphery of my brainnn xD
Nice photo, good soft background highlighting the foreground; just like life the present is in focus and further you move into the future the softer it gets