Photographer, writer, teacher :: Live honestly. Progress through knowledge. Achieve by teaching. Communicate in writing. Speak in pictures. Every day, improve the world a little...
A superb capture although I am not a mechanically minded person --this pov is very interesting and I love the focus on the tyre --nearly matches today's mountain bike tyre in size !!
@summerfield - Thanks. Very busy on my business. I don't get much time to take photos I enjoy these days. Most of my photography is for clients and I cannot use most of those shots here.
Hope you are well.
The composition and the super focus on that tyre just tell us lots the vehicle and makes it so much mor interesting, pulling us in to look as against a shot of the whole. Your blog and video were very timely for me, somewhat lost as to where I was going and given me food for thought. Thank you for recent thoughtful comments on shots.
I like the point of focus in this and the use of foreground blurring (is that breaking one of those rule thingies? If so, cool rule thingy breaking). Cool pov too.
@dulciknit Yes, it is sort of breaking the rules. Actually this is one I break regularly. I don't see any point in just using background bokeh. The foreground is just as important in directing the attention to the item in question. Love the use of your phrase... " cool rule thingy breaking"... LOL.
Thank you for you visit and great comment. Much appreciated.
Hope you are well.