the chairs at the cottage... it was nice and foggy this morning :)
trying to decide if i like this crop or not... the lighter bit in the sky bugs me - but attempts to darken or crop bugged me more... so when with pretty much the framing as shot...
thanks all for weighing in on the sky / crop... i did try a gradient, but it made the trees blobby and i found that distracting... the crop felt enclosed, and it bugged me to no end to cut those two trees :) ultimately, i think i decided, as Richard said, that the sky added some needed depth...
@yrhenwr not sure where I metered, but I think that's a reasonably accurate representation of the sky... it was very overcast, foggy, and a bit before "dawn" (although the sun never made an appearance)
thanks all for weighing in on the sky / crop... i did try a gradient, but it made the trees blobby and i found that distracting... the crop felt enclosed, and it bugged me to no end to cut those two trees :) ultimately, i think i decided, as Richard said, that the sky added some needed depth...