Someone I respect has pointed out that there is no moderation when you are eating poison, and white sugar is poison to me. But I love it so much. I totally get that it is an adiction but isn't a love hate relationship what most addictions end up being?
Well . . if we can keep it down to just ONCE a year, I think that it's quite alright to eat a little "poison!" I never did look at white sugar as poison tho . . lol. Lovely display and great photo, Dixie!
Beautiful display of poisons!! Any you are correct...most addictions are a love/hate relationship....can't live with it and can't live without it!! LOL
I suppose you could call it poison- especially if it makes you sick. But if you can eat it moderately and on special occassions without letting it dictate your life, then I'm not sure I'd call it poison then- maybe temptation? Anyway, I've noticed as I eat less and less of the OVERLY sugared stuff, that it just doesn't taste that good to me anymore when it is overly sugared. I guess that's progress! These are lovely to look at, but I'm pretty sure I'd not be tempted to bring them home. Now, mint chocolate chip ice cream...that's another story!! Good shot!