The two pictures to the left are my son, about 18 1/2 year ago. The other two are the daughter of his girlfriend. She isn't his child and was over a year old when he met her, but he's in love and since we adopted him, I can tell you there doesn't have to be a drop of blood connection to make a child all yours. He's only 19 and I'm not sure I'm ready for him to be this serious about anyone, but sometimes you have no choice about when the important people enter your life and this little girl and her Mom feel like they were made for him.
Very sweet collage. I know how you feel. I guess once our kids grow up, we have to let them make their own decisions. I still want to protect my adult children sometimes but know I can't.
Wow- it's an uncanny resemblance in many ways! I guess 19 in our day and age does seem young- but a few years ago, there was a book out written by twin brothers (I think it was called Do Brave Things or something like that) which featured stories about teens from all different time periods. Do you think I can remember the names of their examples? No! But one was a 16 year old who commanded a ship in the Revolutionary War. Childhood has been extended in our culture but our children are actually ready for responsibility long before we're ready to let them go! When Jeff and I married, just past the age of 20, our parents were concerned we weren't mature enough to handle the things life would bring our way. Jeff's parents really didn't support us- emotionally that is. But my folks, God bless them!!, in spite of their reservations, mentored and nurtured us through those early years- even when we were ready to quit!! So, I have a feeling you will do the same for your son and the love of his life. After all, I think he's ready for this because he's had such a great example in his own parents. Well, that was really more than needed to be said! The short version is: great collage!!
I love this collage along with your comment, Dixie. What beautiful faces and smiles. Life and time have a way of teaching lessons and maturing all of us ... I wasn't much older than this when I got married and it's still teaching me lessons along the way. :)
Another GREAT story, pretty pics too. I know exactly what you mean about blood. My wife's daughter's daughter has been closer to me than blood relatives. Her daughter is from a previous marriage, so no blood.