Squirrel by pcoulson


Came across this little Squirrel on the footpath around the boating lake helping himself to the food left for the ducks.
No way are those squirrels stupid!!!
April 5th, 2018  
@quietpurplehaze Your right Hazel easy pickings no need to spend his day looking for were he buried his nuts:)
April 5th, 2018  
April 5th, 2018  
He's pretty cute!
April 5th, 2018  
FAVtastic :)
April 5th, 2018  
They are happy to eat anyone’s food!
April 5th, 2018  
I'm sure he was happy to come across this little snack. :)
April 5th, 2018  
So cute. We put out seed for the lorikeets and corellas and we noticed tonight a Mum and baby possum eating the seed, so we have put out some carrot and a few grapes to add to their diet. The possums are so tame the just stand by while we put the food on the tray for them.
April 5th, 2018  
Such a cute squirrel. His coloring is quite different.
April 5th, 2018  
He looks a cheeky fellow! Lovely shot
April 5th, 2018  
Lovely image. I like the way his coat almost matches the ground. It is interesting that he seems to have a touch of red on his back and tail.
April 5th, 2018  
@dide Thank you for your comment I thought he was cute as well Dianne:)
April 5th, 2018  
@gilbertwood Thank you very much Denise:)
April 5th, 2018  
@novab Thanks Nova he helped himself to quite a lot of snacks:)
April 5th, 2018  
@onewing So nice to hear your looking after your local wild life to Babs:)
April 5th, 2018  
@henrir Thank you Henri he is colourful for sure:)
April 5th, 2018  
@rosiekind Thank you Rosie he didn't mined me at all I could get in quite close:)
April 5th, 2018  
@suesouthwood Thanks for your comment Sue, could be the result of his dad having a close encounter with a little female red squirrel, who knows:)
April 5th, 2018  
I'm going to dish out my usual comment whenever I see this particular creature: "You know, we really need more squirrel photos here on 365" - with tongue is firmly in cheek! ;) Background - I have a running joke with @Weezilou regarding squirrel photos. I just can't resist cracking on them! Yours is a great capture though. :) In the interest of fairness, though, I am requesting a seagull photo!
April 6th, 2018  
Wow Peter, I'm so pleased that Ron called "what he calls" this running joke to my attention! What a rare specimen you captured here, clearly a red evolving into a grey or visa versa! Do continue to post more as you come across this lesser-known variety! Be sure to let Ron @stray_shooter know when you do so!
April 6th, 2018  
@stray_shooter @stray_shooter Many thanks for your interesting comment Ron in that case you well have to brace yourself for the end of this month I'm going on a trip to a woodland area that still has our native little Red Squirrels and I will post the prettiest image captured plus tag to Louise & Ken @Weezilou in the interest of fair play I had a drive out to day to photograph a Seagull as we have none around here, see today's posting:)
April 7th, 2018  
@Weezilou I will of tag both you and Ron in on my next Squirrel posting Louise:)
April 7th, 2018  
@pcoulson Most appreciated...or how about I just follow! I loved the couple photos I just commented on, and in spite of you being a friend of Ron's @stray_shooter, you appear friendly enough : )
April 7th, 2018  
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