Rhapsody in blue roses growing in our garden, I'm currently struggling with a hard drive failure on my desktop computer spent all day trying to restore the system, please bear with me may be out of action until I can get a new hard drive installed and up and running
Fingers crossed you have all your photos backed up on an external hard drive.
David lost his hard drive after a huge power surge during one of our east coast lows a few years ago, but luckily we had everything backed up, so he didn't lose anything.
@onewing Thank you so much for your lovely comment Babs, my computer is well on the road to recovery one new 3TB hard drive fitted, now loading all the data and software hope to have it all up and running before I go off to the camera club comp tonight, fortunately I only did a full system backup last week on a remote hard drive, I try to do one every month, learned my lesson a few years back after a thunderstorm wiped my computer, plus most of my photographs are on external hard drives:)
Oh no! The dreaded hard drive glitch! Feeling your pain. I just got myself a new computer as I was getting worried about my aging Macbook. Oh, and great shot!
Fingers crossed you have all your photos backed up on an external hard drive.
David lost his hard drive after a huge power surge during one of our east coast lows a few years ago, but luckily we had everything backed up, so he didn't lose anything.
Love your style of photography