Good first try, but hate to tell you it looks like mine do. I ordered a large crystal and cannot get a clear shot for anything. Someone told me it is best to use a small crystal for better luck. But have not tried it yet.
@miata2u Thank you so much Peggy, my sphere is 70 mm dia. I know others have been successful with the same size, I'm going to persevere with it maybe I will have to take a drive to the beach;)
Not bad for a first try. I am still trying to figure where the sun is in this shot though. I suspect you are taking it into the sun and it is too high in the sky at the time of day it has been taken. In daylight the sun has to be off to the side really and lower. The cloudiness has come about because there is too much direct sunlight I think. It is very much trial and error. Try walking round the house holding the ball and seeing where the light shines and how clear it is and then if you are brave enough walk round outside holding the ball perhaps later in the evening when the sun is lower or even if it is cloudy. Don't have too many people watching you though because you get very strange looks. I know about that, but the locals here are used to me ha ha. Have fun.
@onewing Thank you Babs for the advise on crystal ball gazing, the sun was high at 2;00 oclock, had its mount clamped to a tripod will try again with low sun;)
I have recently bought a small 3 inch crystal ball some shots come out cloudy and some clear I think it is all down to experimenting . good luck. Take a look at my recent collage(8th aug)
A nice first try. Babs' advice is excellent as the light on the ball makes a huge difference. The focus on the ball also has to be very tight, which is pretty close but the clarity is interfered with by the light