Full Moon and head frame composite by radiogirl

Full Moon and head frame composite

This is my first attempt at a composite, I used Lightroom and Photoshop. Critique welcome.

Thank you so much for your comments and favs on yesterdays photo "Waters Edge", they are greatly appreciated.
Wonderful capture.
November 20th, 2016  
Beautiful Kathy. Well done.
November 20th, 2016  
This is beautiful! Really well done!
November 20th, 2016  
Very creative, a beautiful image :)
November 20th, 2016  
Terrific image, composition, tones
November 20th, 2016  
Would not have known it was a composite- what a fantastic job for your first time! Fav
November 20th, 2016  
As is also true for mine...the selection edge is a bit jaggedy. You might try using a brush at low opacity to make it softer. I'm also trying to figure out re the light and shadows and the moon would throw some of both. On the other had, this is gorgeous. I'm just being picky
November 20th, 2016  
Excellent capture, fav!
November 20th, 2016  
November 20th, 2016  
beautiful moon
November 20th, 2016  
November 20th, 2016  
November 20th, 2016  
Wow - spectacular!
November 20th, 2016  
Gorgeous, incredibly well done. Fav
November 20th, 2016  
November 20th, 2016  
So pretty and creative.
November 21st, 2016  
November 21st, 2016  
@jgpittenger thanks Jane I appreciate the advice and I will try to implement it.
November 21st, 2016  
November 21st, 2016  
This looks awesome. Did you use the layer mask or did auto blend work for you?
November 21st, 2016  
@sarraphoto Thank you Sarra I used the layer mask, but had a little trouble painting the edges of the selection.
Besides that I am happy with my first try!
November 21st, 2016  
Very beautiful. fav.
November 21st, 2016  
@jgpittenger I'm glad to read your critique and appreciate what you are doing here, Kathy. I am limited in composites as I still haven't sorted out layers in PS, but like what you've done here re composition. It's a little heavy in the silhouettes on the right, but I'm not sure that cropping would help as it would put the moon to much in the center. Great work and a lot of effort clearly went into this!
November 21st, 2016  
This is a great result Kathy. I don't fell I know enough to offer advice but am inferesred to learn form others comments. Perhaps I will have to be brave and try this!
November 21st, 2016  
what a lovely effect :) I'm not qualified to say more than I love it :) fav
November 21st, 2016  
Very striking
November 21st, 2016  
Great effort.
November 21st, 2016  
Excellent job for a first effort at a composite image! My first impression of the image was that you had an amazing POV when you took the shot. Gorgeous moon shot, by the way.
November 21st, 2016  
Excellent shot
November 21st, 2016  
Great photo. I tried composites in the past but found it difficult. I may try again.
November 21st, 2016  
very nice shot
November 23rd, 2016  
Good work! Other than the light from the moon not falling on anything below it, I think most people would not notice it's two pictures merged together.
November 23rd, 2016  
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