Portrait #3  Gracie by radiogirl

Portrait #3 Gracie

This is Gracie our rescue cat, she has turned into a birder and enjoys watching our Acrobatic squirrel 🐿!

Thank you for your comments and favs on Yesterday’s portrait of my sister “Julie”.
She’s so pretty! Love this in b&w.
February 17th, 2021  
February 17th, 2021  
I love her expression.
February 17th, 2021  
She has her eyes glued on them. Good Shot.
February 17th, 2021  
She is very attentive - nicely captured.
February 18th, 2021  
What a wonderful expression!
February 18th, 2021  
I love how you've used the natural lighting from the window on this shot. And I'm glad she can only watch the birds!
February 18th, 2021  
Terrific expression
February 18th, 2021  
February 18th, 2021  
Oh my goodness this is so sweet. He really is fixed on the squirrel.
February 18th, 2021  
Pretty portrait.
February 18th, 2021  
She’s a beauty!
February 18th, 2021  
Love her face.
February 18th, 2021  
Such a cutie!
February 18th, 2021  
She sure seems very interested!
February 18th, 2021  
That's a very cute and cuddly cat.
February 18th, 2021  
Rapt attention.
February 18th, 2021  
Nice lighting
February 18th, 2021  
Beautiful capture
February 18th, 2021  
Those eyes!
February 18th, 2021  
Such a sweet shot of cute Gracie.
February 18th, 2021  
She looks very attentive. No doubt the squirrel is putting on an acrobatic show for her!!
February 18th, 2021  
She is quite focused! Great shot!
February 18th, 2021  
Lovely expression.
February 18th, 2021  
A birder while staying inside where it's safe and warm. Cat's are smart.
February 18th, 2021  
Super capture of Gracie :)
February 18th, 2021  
I see "Birder" written all over that face and those intent eyes!!
February 23rd, 2021  
February 23rd, 2021  
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