Confluence Weather by timerskine

Confluence Weather

Mostly cloudy on the left, raining on the right. This is an overlook where the James and Appomattox Rivers come together.

In the immediate foreground, there are trees covered in kudzu* and just beyond there is the Hopewell Riverwalk, a 1,700' long boardwalk.

Just beyond those, out in the water, are some old pilings with double-crested cormorants sitting on top. The cormorants are always there. So ever-present that the Missus says they've probably been nailed there to amuse tourists and photographers.

*For northerners and non-Americans, kudzu is a vine which is native to Japan and other Asian countries. It was introduced to the US at the Japanese pavilion in the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. Some bright spark got the idea that it could be used to stop soil erosion...which it did, but it became extremely aggressively invasive. It is estimated that the difficult-to-kill kudzu is expanding at a rate of 15,000 acres annually. This is why it is called "The Vine That Ate The South."
Such moody clouds! Love the story of the cormorants!
September 11th, 2020  
Very nice shot
September 11th, 2020  
nice scenery
September 11th, 2020  
Nice clouds
September 11th, 2020  
Excellent shot. We have something similar to Kudzu, called Japanese Knotweed, which is really causing problems in some parts of the country.
September 12th, 2020  
Beautiful view. Kudzu is invading my yard. It's driving me crazy. The only real way to get rid of it is to get a goat! LOL!
September 12th, 2020  
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