This is a detail on the neighbor's old garden gate. I prefer it on black.
Thank you so much for your continuous support, comments and critique! It's a huge motivation to read your input!
Thank you all so much for your positive feedback and favs on the rusty blue garden gate detail! I was happy it got such a positive response, especially since I've photographed it already once at the beginning of 365, but didn't think it was worth being posted. So the picture never made it onto this website. Yesterday, after taking a new take of this, I realised that my first one just a couple of month ago was so much worse! It was such an eye-opener, and a happy one. Because of all the input and support, because of all the examples of great photographs from everyone on 365, one can't help but develop and keep trying to get better. So, thanks a lot!!!!!!
@seattlite @sueb47 @danette @christophercox @jack4john @susanalena @kimdavis @lxxx @taffy @pistache @jblanton @spooling @whimsicalgrateful @888rachel @soboy5 @777margo @tosee @joselect @voiceprintz @airin