No need to comment - I am posting this just to remember the day trip to Frankfurt. Taking care of formalities, but also had a nice family day full of dinosaurs, fossils, great food, ice cream and a visit with friends.
@maggiemae Not on this visit, but earlier. This is the Cathedral where most of the German kinds were crowned. It's quite impressive, and considering that the first church on this place was built in 14th century, and then rebuilt and extended, it's also impressive how much history this place packs in. Thank for your comment!
Thank you guys for your comments! I looked it up, and these turn out to be pollarded planetrees. They are pruned a certain way each year to promote this "clubby" growth. There are miles of them alongside the Main river. Very cool looking. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
@abroadwood @lsanderson55 @koalagardens @danette @desertaura @888rachel @lxxx