Lucy's quilt by wiesnerbeth

Lucy's quilt

Recently Jeff decided that he would give toolboxes (filled with tools) to each of the kids in the family when they graduate from high school. I liked the idea of giving each kid something that was the same, so I thought, well I'll make quilts for each of them. Here is part of the quilt I decided to start making a couple of weeks ago for Lucy's graduation present. Of course, she has already graduated and actually left today for her first year at Pitt. Twelve of the 25 blocks are finished. This is very good progress for me . . . as I have not finished (or even started) quilts for the other four children who have already graduated from high school (and three of them have already graduated from college). I will note here that Jeff had his toolbox idea after the four of them had graduated from high school also. When Nick was about two or three years old, Steve sent him a birthday card with this note, "Sorry this is late, but having spent a few birthdays in the Wiesner family you have probably already come to expect it." I think that says it all.
Love both the quilt and the story! Lucy will love it!
August 27th, 2013  
I love it! And don't you know that *deadlines* don't count where quilts are concerned?
August 31st, 2013  
Haha! I love that! I can make an appliquéd quilt in a month or two but it sometimes takes me three years to finish a pieced one! I have just looked through your photos from the past year and been so inspired by your photos and your stories ... Thank you!
August 31st, 2013  
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