Best picture so far...

July 8th, 2012
I think today might be my best picture so far (or at least one of them) :)

Please let me know what you think and also if you'd like to please share your favourite picture so far from your project.

July 8th, 2012
I have not seen your other photographs - but this one certainly is very good. Full marks for colour, focus, composition, inovation and clarity! I like all of it - well done!
July 8th, 2012
I find it hard to pinpoint my one favourite, but this photo is one I did recently that I was very proud of. :) I had it printed.

July 8th, 2012
This is a recent one of mine that is a new favorite.

July 8th, 2012

This is my best pic so far!
July 8th, 2012
I've got a few I really like but I think this is my favourite one:

July 8th, 2012
This is one of my faves.
July 8th, 2012
July 8th, 2012
One of my fav

July 8th, 2012
Wow picking one from so many is difficult, but I guess this one is up there for me:

July 8th, 2012
quite pleased with this one

July 8th, 2012
It's tough to decide!!

July 8th, 2012
July 8th, 2012
My personal favourite so far...
July 8th, 2012
July 8th, 2012
July 8th, 2012

My favourite - as portraits aren't my thing
July 8th, 2012
Before I deleted my account this was one of my most popular pictures and I like it very much (although I like others, too, especially my profile pic).

July 9th, 2012
my favorite shot, taken just two weeks after starting this project
July 9th, 2012

July 9th, 2012
Mine is this for now

July 9th, 2012
Hard to choose, but I think it's this one because it was 'the shot in my head' and we got there surprisingly quickly. And it reminds me (as if I need reminding) how supportive my OH has been of this project.

July 9th, 2012
It might not be my best, but it is certainly my favorite
July 9th, 2012
July 9th, 2012
July 9th, 2012
Mine favorite so far...
July 9th, 2012
July 9th, 2012

don't know if it's my best, but I sure do like it!
July 9th, 2012
July 9th, 2012
July 9th, 2012
This to Me is a Once in a Life time shot ... I actually went to try and catch this Shot never in my wildest dreams thinkin I would get it ...
July 9th, 2012
For 2012, I think my best would have to be this one...

July 9th, 2012
This is my personal favorite. It was my first attempt at night photography. (Titled: Abandoned)
July 9th, 2012
I like this one - SOOC no post-processing.
July 9th, 2012
it's a personal fav... and so far my only selfie

July 9th, 2012
@humphreyhippo very nice
July 9th, 2012
nowhere near being one of my most popular photographs, but I think that it is my favourite so far

July 9th, 2012
@chrismartinez love the lighting and processing of yours, the amount of reflection is great too
July 9th, 2012

I think this is my favourite picture, well it's this one or the one from the following day, this one has had the most views though as far as I am aware.
July 9th, 2012

I think this is mine. :)
July 9th, 2012
Probably not my best (it looks washed out here) but it's the only one I've printed bigger than a 5x7
July 9th, 2012
I think that this is my very best picture so far. Not just because how it turned out, but because of the story behind it. :-)
July 9th, 2012
July 9th, 2012
July 10th, 2012
Perhaps this photo as I had to challenge myself to be able to get this shot.

July 10th, 2012
This would have to be my best so far. It was my first true 1:1 macro that I was happy with, no post processing required.

July 10th, 2012

July 10th, 2012
Not sure if it's my *best* picture (it doesn't make my Top Rated photos on my stats), but it's one that I like a lot, possibly because I like the people in it a lot!
July 10th, 2012
I think this is my favorite so far. To me, it almost looks like a painting. I used a polarized filter to cut through some of the glare, but enough still remains to give the water some texture.

July 10th, 2012

This is a remake of the photo i posted on this day:
Light Station
July 10th, 2012
can i pick 2 - for 2012 - cant decide between them

July 10th, 2012
I think this one, because it was SO incredibly far out of my usual "box". . .and because my grown sons loved it (takes a LOT to move them!).

July 10th, 2012
Maybe this one...?

July 10th, 2012
REDWING VS.HORNED OWL ~ I don't know if this is my best, but I love because it was such an unexpected and unique capture. I was just trying to get the owl when the redwing started attacking the owl.
July 10th, 2012
I am going with this one. I did not receive many comments but I really liked it!
July 11th, 2012
@boogie Beautiful photograph
July 11th, 2012
Hard to decided as I like lots of mine :P but this one I was pretty happy with the result.

July 11th, 2012
July 11th, 2012
For 2012 it was this one, because I was quite surprised myself how it turned out:
July 11th, 2012
I have two that I am sure are my best

July 11th, 2012
This would be my favourite, from way back in January 2011
July 11th, 2012
This one. Taken 2 days ago.

July 11th, 2012
I think this is my favorite because of how difficult it was to capture.

July 11th, 2012
@chrismartinez I am new here, but I loved this spontaneous evening shot.

July 12th, 2012
I like this one very much:
July 15th, 2012
This is my last favourite of my project, but not sure if it's the best one:

July 21st, 2012
I've just looked through all my photos of this year to decide which is my favourite. It's really hard because as I get more familiar with the photos I like them less, so may favourites tend to be the most recent, and my current favourite is this photo from yesterday!

July 21st, 2012
I like this because it just captured the moment.
July 23rd, 2012
Not sure this is my best...but it is my most personal image, has the most meaning behind it.
July 28th, 2012
Am new here...but this is one of my faves -- and it has no touching up or HDR or anything going on...just raw forest...

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