The Critique Game

June 28th, 2011
The aim of this is to boost 365'ers confidence but it also helps them improve. You look at the project of the person that posts last on this discussion and look at their most recent photo in their 365 account. Post it here (copy and paste the link from the "share" box on the right) and write one thing you LIKE about the photo, and one piece of CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM (how the photo can be improved).

I started with the last person who had participated on the last discussion. Luckily I follow him on a regular basis to make it easy.

It has been a month since it was last started, and I wanted to try it out again.
June 28th, 2011

I really like that you went out on a limb and tried a whole new style of photo for yourself and that is head is lower than his feet to show the falling. I actually think I would have liked this in color with a bit more depth which may have shown more motion.
June 28th, 2011
@brumbe It was really hard for me to find anything to critique about this photo:

Compositionally I think it's perfect, especially for the minimalism theme, and I love the detail. The only thing I find slightly distracting is the the two out of focus buds in front. Maybe if they were off to the side of the shot a bit? But, like I say, it was really hard for me to find anything I don't like about this picture and I that's something I wouldn't have even said if I were just commenting on your shot. But I guess that's the whole point of this critique thingy right? Anyhoo, I'll shut up now.
June 28th, 2011

I like the dreamlike effect of moving into the light. My only constructive critique is the left side seems to be leaning into the picture. Keystone correction might help with this but honestly it's minor.
June 28th, 2011

I love the bright white trail that leads my eye down to the trees, However i think that the expanse at the top of the photo starts to pull your attention away from the rest of the picture- I'd just crop it closer to the top of the white trail. Nice light though
June 28th, 2011
@mjkthorpe --- Good advice. I cropped the top down. Better?

Weird! This doesn't show the updated picture. I think it looks better now. Check my posted picture for today.
June 28th, 2011

I love the concept and execution - she's very pretty, and I love how the reflection picks up the colour of her dress. I like the composition and symmetry as well.

In terms of improvements; nothing major - the processing seems to have gone slightly wonky at the bottom of the table leg. and the stray 'floating' leaves at the edge of the mirror frame are a little distracting? It's also a shame that the details of the flowers in the mirror are blown out, giving an overexposed look?
June 28th, 2011
@mjkthorpe Hi Mary and welcome to 365 :o)

I really like this shot and noticed that Janna had commented on it. She is the queen of SC so she gave some really good avice about perhaps making the mirror image colour and the rest of the room B&W or vice versa. I think the purple is a little severe :o)
June 28th, 2011
I'm going to try to do both so no one gets skipped.

I like your DoF on this. The flowers are usually so colorful, I think I would have preferred to see this in color, especially since you filled the frame with the bloom.


I really like the colors how they blend together well with this. If you were to do this over again, try and get both bottles of milk in focus.
June 28th, 2011
@webfoot Thanks Paul. Bindweed flowers are actually white so I don't know how I could have added more colour :o)
June 28th, 2011
@psychographer Doh. When I read your caption and description, I saw Morning glory and that's what stuck in my head. I completely blanked out the bindweed when I was reading that. sorry about that.
June 28th, 2011
@webfoot Hey no probs. I actually fiddled with this shot in the editing as it was very white and I managed to give the centre a bit of a golden glow...but I agree, morning glory flowers are beautiful :o)
June 28th, 2011
@webfoot thanks for doing both to keep us on track.
June 28th, 2011

Like - The BnW processing of this works well in this case. And your exposure seems to be correct as well.

Crit - Im just not feeling the composition of this. I think that overall there is just too much negative space, and the positioning of the lamp seems off. I think that this would actually be better cropping in and having the lamp take up most or all of the frame and correcting the uneven horizon (its slightly tilted it seems)
Another interesting take might be to go back and shoot the lamp straight on with its shadow off to the side of it intruding on the negative space and placing the lamp itself on the left or right thrid (depending on the shadow)

Hope it helps!

June 28th, 2011
@psychographer Colored lighting, even w/ an on camera flash, you can place something over the flash (I often use an orange ping pong ball on mine to create warm fill lighting) cellophane can work too if you have any old skool 3D glasses lying around.

Just a thought idk
June 28th, 2011
@webfoot I am by no means a professional photographer, but I do like looking at photos (and I tend to be opinionated) so here goes! : )
I think this photo is a perfect example of minimalism. I love the simplicity of it, and the lamp makes a wonderful subject. The only thing I could find to critique was the corner of the seems rather crooked and plays tricks on my eye, but since it's such a small part of the photo it really wasn't that noticeable. If you're going to play the critique game, then you need to take more flawed photos! : )
June 28th, 2011
@3nder Sorry I skipped you! You're too fast! : )
First of all, I've never been able to get a good lightning photo, so I'm impressed by yours. It's amazing! But...I thought the writing and people were rather distracting. I'll be honest, that's just not my style, so that could be part of it. I think it's a great photo, but I would have preferred to see just the lightning as a photo.
(And I am thoroughly impressed by your editing skills!)
June 28th, 2011
@webfoot Thanks for your comments - I'd addicted to wide apertures, and sometimes don't stop down when I ought to!
June 28th, 2011
@godsgirl its ment to resemble an old movie poster lol... This one in particular:
June 28th, 2011
@godsgirl I like the angle and concept of the photo and love the reflection in the window, I know the idea behind it being minimilistic was making it B&W but part of me thinks it would have looked great in colour to pick out the tones of the wood. Still a really fab photo.

June 28th, 2011
@3nder Oh! Well, in that case, I think you improved on the original. : )
June 28th, 2011
@coolgirlsar Thank you! I struggled with the color thing, too...I think I overuse B&W, but I'm drawn to it so much. Still, I'm resolving to experiment more with different tones and colors. : ) I appreciate the tip!
June 28th, 2011
@dmortega Hmm, interesting! I actually cropped some of the left side out to reduce that leaning effect, but it's still there. I think it would have looked more balanced if I'd stood in the middle of the street for the shot, but then I would have been run down by one of the peeps rushing toward the rapture, haha. Thanks for your critique:)
June 28th, 2011

Awesome focus for a portrait... balance hue and lighting but a little off on the framing/cropping of the image. Also, the hand of the model doesn't matched the face.

June 28th, 2011

The eye is certainly drawn to that corner, but the colour of the decor just looks a bit like it is any new building design. I know its for minimalism, but it doesn't have enough to ask me to return again and again to this image. I think it needs a distraction.
June 28th, 2011
@bobfoto I think this is very creative, but I think the lighting is a bit dark. I think it would make a bigger statement with a little more light.
June 28th, 2011
@pwallis --- :-))
June 28th, 2011
@bobfoto Thank you for taking time on this, Jason, but I honestly do not get what are you talking about... certainly, if I'm adding distraction (aside from the light shadows) there I feel like you want me to change the image that I created =)
June 28th, 2011
I like your collage of your first year of 365. most of the pictures are at a size where you can make them out but the once on the bottom are getting a little too small..that's my only critquic.
June 28th, 2011
@bruni --- thanks. I appreciate the advice and wholeheartedly agree. Now, would you mind critiquing Laura's picture for today, too? She's next up. ;-)
June 28th, 2011
@arrayofblues.. I like your peace sign and the different colours of your arm and hand...but as far as I know the hand should be turned around the other way to make that sign.
June 28th, 2011

@bruni- this is such a funny that you caught the mystery beast at an angle where you can't tell much about it. the focus is spot on and the bokeh from the tree branches in the background make for a pretty setting... i guess i would say to crop it a bit closer so it is really the star of the show....can't really say much else!
...still laughing:)
June 28th, 2011
@paulremulla Thank you.

Yeah I was a bit gutted that I cut part of the side of the face off but when you're ducking from water being splashed at you these things happen. lol

When you say the hand doesn't match the model's face can you please explain a bit better what you mean.

June 28th, 2011

i love this photo it's just super cute, and makes my heart melt!

my only critique is that it's a little hard on the eyes because of how bright it is
June 28th, 2011
@lilkitty90 I think you meant to mention @4stories :D
June 28th, 2011
yup! lol my bad! leave it to me to post the wrong name *sigh*
June 28th, 2011

Well, I like this a lot! The rope/twisted wood leads the eye into the picture.
But for a little critique: the bokeh and sky is really bright and that's really the first thing that meets the eye, so I think for better balance in your picture you should make the rope pop more or make the background a little softer and less bright. And I wonder what a different angle of the rope would do...
June 28th, 2011
@lilkitty90 - thank you are right...i had thought the same:0
June 28th, 2011
@geertje First of all I think lightning pics are always amazing! The only thing I'd have played around with is the contrast. Maybe darkening the sky would bring out the strike even more.
June 28th, 2011
@geertje Ooh - this is a tough one! Fabulous photo! My only comment would be to maybe work the color of the sky a little to add some contrast?

June 28th, 2011
@mcdougall katie, can you do one for @anron, you both did the same photo.
June 28th, 2011
@brumbe you got it.
June 28th, 2011
@anron I like the composition of the photo and the color of the chairs. I think maybe another perspective? I find the people in the background distract from the main image. Or just waiting for people to pass by if possible?

June 28th, 2011
@anron @mcdougall Thanks for your critique! I tried, but it was still light when I shot this and the sky is already darkened, but with even more contrast it went too grainy...
June 28th, 2011
@geertje I can understand that. I had the reverse problem with my pic today. It was too dark and when I lightened it it went grainy. You just can't win sometimes! lol
June 28th, 2011

i love the lighting and the pose, the dreamy far awy look works great. My only crit is the smoke is not very realistic, I would use an incense stick to get real smoke or download a smoke brush preset for the editing studio - lov ethe shot though :D
June 28th, 2011
@cazink thanks for the feedback and totally agree. I think I'm going to try to re edit this one.
June 28th, 2011

Its a great seflie.....and I am def no expert on sefies! I think perhaps the scratched background is a little too prevalent though...a light colour or contrast perhaps? I like the actual b/g itself texture wise. :)
June 28th, 2011
@looseimages thanks very much for the crit - I was worried that people might find the scratching overpowering, but it was kind of what I was going for on this :D
June 28th, 2011
@looseimages This is such a gorgeous shot! I love the clarity of the drop. My only critique would be that the leaf kind of blends in to the background a little. Maybe playing with the contrast would have made it stand out a little more?? I am no expert!! :)
June 29th, 2011
@marydreams love the bright colors and kind of child like feeling about this photo. only critique is maybe have the one duck a little more in focus. other than that, looks great!
June 29th, 2011
June 29th, 2011

So adorable! I love the photo and I love the odd angle it was taken at. It's a little flat for me (I love pictures that really have depth). Playing with the contrast can help and if you ever have 5 minutes, I suggest looking into curves. It's sort of like contrast but a little more complicated. And are the two spots due to a dirty sensor? Or are they spots caused by sun flare? They are slightly distracting. I love the picture, however, so keep up the good work :D
June 29th, 2011

Wow. I'm stumped to come up with any cc here. The DOF here is very nice. I like the addition of the pen a sort of a focal point. One thing that might make it a little fun (not that math/statistics could ever be fun!) would be to make the pen a bright color. That's all I can come up with- great picture.
June 29th, 2011
@soothingbeauty Thank you. The shot was actually kind of hard to get and the water was streaming toward me. I am actually surprised that any of it is in focus. hehe!
June 29th, 2011
@mjmama Thank you so much!! It's actually Statics - a class for engineering. NOT fun. The pencil is actually pink, let me edit it real quick and selective color that. Be right back :)
June 29th, 2011
@mjmama Here you go;

June 29th, 2011
@zswickliffe Looks good!
June 29th, 2011

I like the composition. I would only suggest that the eyes be brought out more. They look a little flat. Overall it is a very nice photo.
June 29th, 2011

I'd crop this a little closer to focus more on the subject, but she's very cute and a closer shot would really bring that smile to the forefront!
June 29th, 2011
Thank you - I usually have my 70-200 2.8 on my camera. however I let my friend take it for a test drive this day, and I had her 18-55. So, I wasn't able to zoom as close as I would have liked to from the start.
BTW- I love your shots of Chicago. I was just lookign at flights to come for a weekend in August. Your project is making me want to be there now! It has been too long since my last visit.
June 29th, 2011
@paulremulla - Hi Paul, yours was a tough one to critique, because you covered everything you set out to achieve. It is indeed Minimalist. I, myself often look up at walls and ceilings and often think "is there a photo in there?" and often because of similarities in colours and styles of interior architecture, the answer is "not really". Perhaps a light fitting, or the corner of a painting or just the glimpse of something off to one side may give this image intrigue. But mine is just one opinion. I have seen others have commented more positively then I.
June 29th, 2011
@bobfoto I really like the focus and the browntones; it suits the subject very well! (love the beer) I might have enhanced the contrast just a tiny bit to make it a bit more "dramatic"

June 29th, 2011
@elke - thanks Elke, there was a bit of contrast in this, and each increment stronger, the darker the whole image got!
June 29th, 2011
next person needs to do @emsabh. Art H. got
June 29th, 2011
i like that you took this and no one even noticed because they are all so busy! plus i just love collages and this one is just great,

as for a critique... well i don't really have much of one, i think i would havel iked it better if the quality was better, but because the pictures arn't large enough to really matter about quality it all works together, great job!

June 29th, 2011
@lilkitty90 I love the simplicity of it. I however am not digging the framing as much. The brown almost mahogany colored circle is rather distracting. I assume this was edited in? If thats the case I would take that one out all together and just blend the black frame in with the actual picture. :) But overall, very beautiful and moving!

June 29th, 2011
@kcphotography i would give that a try, but in my editing i lost the original, and the color of the paper it is on is white i do think i really need to crop out most of black border though. it is rather distracting.
June 29th, 2011

I like the idea and the honesty. the concept is good however i had to have a second look to spot you in the reflection- you might want to try and make it pop out a bit more. unfortunatley im not sure how.
June 29th, 2011
@mjkthorpe Thanks for the critique! I should have mentioned in the description it was an accidental selfie! lol I honestly wasn't aiming for a self portrait. In fact, I hate having my picture taken, but since you can barely see me, in the reflection it didn't bother me as much.
June 29th, 2011

Lol. in that case very well done :)
June 29th, 2011
@mjkthorpe I really like the lighting on this. The only suggestion I can come up with would be to somehow bring out the face paint by either putting it in sharp focus or by saturating those colors. I'm not proficient enough at Photoshop to be able to say how to do that, however!
June 29th, 2011
Thanks- i tried to sharpen it but it didn't work too well- might attempt to pull it out and up the saturation and merge it back in.
June 29th, 2011

had a go at upping the colour- did it work ??
June 29th, 2011
@ronah I really like the way the picture's set up, and I like the lines in it. This is my opinion, but I'd add more contrast to it, give it a little more 'oomph'.

June 29th, 2011
@magicmaker Thanks for the suggestion, I tried upping the contrast a little and I like it better! I hope I didn't take it too far.

@mjkthorpe Yes, I see the difference. It's a cool shot, and the face paint sort of "makes" the shot.
June 29th, 2011
@zswickliffe the spots were actually from where the dog had sniffed the camera...i didn't notice them until i got home and uploaded the picture. and thanks for the critique! i'll definitely work on some of those things
June 30th, 2011

@magicmaker I love the majestic beauty of the shot and the way the clouds hover. My suggestion would be to have has a little less of the foreground. As it is now it is 5% foreground and 50% background. IMHO I think it would improve if you applied the rule of thirds. Great job and Welcome to 365!!!
June 30th, 2011

Love how the texture of the wall is brought out in this picture. And that the writing to be a little brighter to know what it says.
June 30th, 2011
Very fun shot! My critique is the man in the background is a bit distracting, maybe editing him out would work better.

June 30th, 2011
@mariboo Beautiful baby doll!

That sun coming in from above is glorious. I love the rounded corners you've chosen too - suits the colouring beautifully.

Perhaps you needed to bump your ISO up a little, as there is some minor apparent camera-shake going on from the slowish (1/50th) shutterspeed. I also find the crop a little awkward as the chin is cut off - perhaps a standard landscape orientation would have been better.

Marvellous photograph, regardless!

June 30th, 2011

I love all the textures in this shot. The one this I would tweak would be the lighting. The bright space pulls my eyes in causing me to lose the subject. Cropping may be a way to cut out the excess. Overall great shot.
June 30th, 2011
Thanks....funny story the guy in the background is actually the father of the guy I'm with in the pic LOL. I didn't have an editing program at the time when this was taken but now that I do, I can fix that.
June 30th, 2011
@jinximages Thank you very much! Definitely notice the awkward crop now that you have pointed it out. I'm not technical enough to understand much about ISO, but I will definitely do a bit of research on it.
June 30th, 2011

I love this picture because its at night. Thats what I would rather see on a lot of pictures.

One thing I would change is the hills. Just because they are black and it needs some color other than the lighting. I know its hard to get color at night. Any hoo, I LOVE it! :)
June 30th, 2011

You have a lovely bright flower here, which is really pretty. One thing you could change is the angle you took this from. If you moved a little to your left you could avoid getting the (mail box) pole in the frame. Flowers always make a great photo subject. Well done!
June 30th, 2011
June 30th, 2011
@bobfoto I don't know if you ever use a program like Piknic; in the advanced exposure settings you can adjust the local contrast witch doesn't "infect" the whole picture! Quite handy with the "darker" pics!
June 30th, 2011

I love the focus on the foreground and the bokeh in the background. Great composition and capture! The only thing I'd change is increase the brightness a little bit, it seems just a little bit too dark.
June 30th, 2011

I love the colours that you have captured as well as the way she is in her own world, the only thing that I would change is to straighten the picture.... to me it feels like it is a little crooked
June 30th, 2011
This is a really beautiful shot. Great focus and colours. The only thing I would change is maybe have the flower in the background closer to the edge rather than right 'next to' the one in focus. It's a little distracting and I find myself looking at it first. Otherwise it's a gorgeous photo :-)
June 30th, 2011
@frameit : Thanx for the feedback. Ahh, the straightening is something I can never get right ;).
June 30th, 2011
@jannaellen I know what you mean... I straighten something then I find myself tilting my head the other way so it is crooked again
June 30th, 2011

Hi Amy, I think this is a powerful image and message! I like the composition and the b&w. I think it's a great self portrait!!

The only thing I would try to do is get a little sharper focus on the eye or maybe even the heart and keep the rest of the image softer... but that isn't always easy especially with selfies!

Wonderful shot!
June 30th, 2011
@elke - Hi elke, I have seen a link to piknic on picassa on my desktop PC, but I just use the iPhoto app on my mac for 365 processing. Just some contrast here and there and some saturation and/or cropping really. There is a "shadow" adjustment... thanks :)
June 30th, 2011
@bobfoto Your welcome!
June 30th, 2011
oh my goodness!!! i love this photo! this guy is the cutest thing ever! and the shot is fabulous, the only thing i could think of is to get closer but i'm sure that may be hard, possibly cropping closer?
June 30th, 2011

I like the whimsy and the play on the name. I would adjust the framing to have a little less foreground, and a little more space above the pickle. Adjust the color or the contrast to bring out the texture in the pickle as well.
July 1st, 2011

This is a great idea for a pic and love that you've captured the reflaction, I would say draw back a little and look at getting a bit more of the picture in frame/focus so it isn't as abstract and disorientating. just my opinion though. And welcome to 365.
July 1st, 2011

Love the closeup of the picture. I think if it was just a little bit further back the picture wouldn't be as blurry with the movement.
July 1st, 2011

@babydoll Cute picture, you are adorable. I love your natural smile. I would have tried to get a better background for the picture. You should have made all those people behind you move and taken the picture next to the ROA poster! haha
July 1st, 2011

@mjmama This is interesting photo. It seems to me that the subject of this photo is the brick wall and not the front door. Maybe it could have been better if we get the full view of the front door with lights coming through . In this case, softening the brick wall area and adding a soft vignette on the edges might do the trick. =)
July 1st, 2011
@lilkitty90 Thanks so much Jessica!!!
July 1st, 2011
@altadc's "dirty ice cream"
i love the selective colouring and the memory it evoked, so for me, it is an effective photograph.
it is a tad overexposed but i think it's what made the picture more interesting and the colours of the ice cream to stand out.
July 1st, 2011

i love the lower photo in this image, there are some beautiful colours ... i would like to see the watermark elsewhere and not such a visual focal point ... and (sorry) but i got a little confused with the four photos at the top, maybe though just some framing around each one would make it easier to view, i just wasn't sure where one ended and the next began, does that make sense ?? hope so, but some great sights :)))

July 1st, 2011
I like the colors but is is a bit 'standard' for me. Maybe try to change up the angle a bit to add some more dimension instead of a simple 'point and shoot'. My second piece of advice has to do with lighting. In my opinion it is little bit off. If the shoes are the target of this photo then they should be the brightest part so the eye gets drawn to them. When I look at it, my eye immediately goes to the hand and the right side of the photo that is the brightest and the last thing I look at are the shoes because they are very dark (comparatively speaking). I hope I was able to offer some suggestions without being too harsh. If recomposed a bit, it has a potential to be a great sexy photo that gets people's attention.
July 1st, 2011

This is really cool. I love composition & the way your arms look. The face looks a little weird, I think I would like it better if it showed a hint of cheekbone. Or a little definition in the face.

July 1st, 2011

@mjmana - I love how the color pops against the white. My obsession with symetry makes me want to center the marble in the shot, but I like how it looks.

If I was to do the shot over, I would try and select the most textured part of the window (a spot of tape, gum or playdoh to hold the marble in place if it is prone to moving). I would also like to see more of a shadow on the marble. Maybe taking the shot at different times of the day?
July 1st, 2011
@mattyb thanks so much matty, that was fantastic. This was my first go at this type of shot so yep i just took it lol, natural lighting but didnt think beyond that. Great feedback, thanks again :-)
July 2nd, 2011
@mjmama Haha I love that...make the others from the play move out of the way LOL
July 2nd, 2011

Love the way this pic was taken. And honestly don't think anything could've been done differently to it.
July 2nd, 2011
@babydoll - That is the nicest complement on my photos I have ever seen. *hugz*
July 2nd, 2011
@Christine (Because you are critiquing the photo of the person directly above me)

This is a cute photo! Although there is a dark spot on the side that you might want to figure out why it is there or crop it out.
July 3rd, 2011
Thanks for pointing that out...I didn't even notice it til now.
July 3rd, 2011

I think this picture is just beautiful...nothing I would change about how it was taken.
July 3rd, 2011
I'm not sure who to comment to because Christine did two and her last photo is still the same so I'll do the person before her...


I love the color and composition. If I could change it, I think including the bottom left part of the dress would be good. I'm not sure how she was floating up there, but maybe if it were by pole you could photoshop it out and have it appear as if she is floating?
July 3rd, 2011

I think this is beautiful- such a good clear shot. However i think you could amp the colour up on the butterfly for better contrast and to make it pop :)
July 3rd, 2011

This is a great shot. I love how the light speckles the skin. I would play around a little with the contrast or shadow levels and go for selective color. I just did a quick and dirty job of that, just the skin tones, and it looks awesome. Really makes the eyes and gorgeous skin pop.

July 3rd, 2011

any way you could show me what you mean?

what sort of selective colour?
July 3rd, 2011
We were posting at the same time. :)

Mine looks more yellow than I would like, but you get the idea.
July 3rd, 2011
@tamalyn- i have to ask- how the hell did you do that?
July 3rd, 2011
@mjkthorpe - With the magic wand tool in corel. Photoshop has one too. Also, there is a program on Photobucket called Colorsplash that allows you to do the same thing but it is a little more time consuming.
July 3rd, 2011

i use corel but have never used the magic wand tool- any tips on how it works?
July 3rd, 2011
@mjkthorpe - Select the tool (duh :P), then click on the section you want. It will surround the section with a blinking line. If it did not select everything you wanted the first time, hold down "shift" and click again. Keep holding "shift" and clicking at all of the spots you want (it might take a couple of times depending on the photo) until you have selected everything. Then I click on the arrow tool and the items I selected with the wand become a promoted section. I then click on the background layer and change it to B&W with the photo effects tool. Does that make sense?
July 3rd, 2011

Thank you so much for that - makes life so much easier.

July 3rd, 2011

How does it look??

July 3rd, 2011
@mjthorpe - Nice! Much better job than mine. I saw your first selective color. Good job! I like to use this tool for the basis of my selective color shots. You should also try the photobucket version if you use that service.
July 4th, 2011

Close-up of the exact object is great...just maybe not have so much shadow on the top of the statue would make it clearer.
July 4th, 2011
@babydoll aww i love this photo! it looks really candid, and it's nice to have pictures that are special to the heart!
i don't have much of a critiqu except maybe a less distractive background, but i'm sure you couldn't help that! and cherish those memories.

July 4th, 2011

I really love this shot. I love how raw it feels, I love reflectionshots.
July 5th, 2011
@lilkitty90 HAHA yes couldn't help it. I hated the way those walls were set up at that theater. The pics always had such a glare on them.
July 5th, 2011

Love how you focused on the one part of what is to be the main object of the picture.
July 5th, 2011

this was done in just colour and this is after i played around with it or should i do something different maybe?
July 5th, 2011
@keepcalmpix - I think you may not understand the rules to this game fully. You are supposed to critique the most recent pic of the person who posted last. In your case, @babydoll.

I really like the color of your hair and how it shines in the light. I would try to play with the brightness and contrast to see if you can take away some of the glare on your face, while keeping the shine on the hair.
July 6th, 2011

I like the focus on the flower...very clear.
Maybe if you wanted to bring it out more, brighten the color of the flower more darken the background to really focus on the flower.
July 13th, 2011

What do you guys think of this one? anything I could of done better??
July 16th, 2011
I think first you need to remove the date and then work on the angle, focus and crop in on the subject of the pic which is the statue. But I do love the subject and would love to have had the opportunity to see this in person:)
July 16th, 2011

I love this picture and think it's so cute. Can't think of anything to change with it.
July 16th, 2011
@babydoll Thank you!!!! This is not my fav. but I do love it because it has my Rosie in it:)
July 17th, 2011
July 28th, 2011
Discussion is closed, please see July 28th Discussion
July 28th, 2011

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