Popular Page Questions

December 20th, 2012
Can't believe I've been here almost a year and didn't know about this! A comment on one of my photos said I'd made the popular page. I wasn't aware of this feature! So I found the page with popular photos and wondered if I'd ever had one featured there before. Is there a way to search for these popular shots? How often is the popular page updated or changed?
December 20th, 2012
@scrivna - quite possibly a question for you?
December 20th, 2012
Oh it would be awesome to search my photos that have been featured on PP! A year is a long time and I didn't mark those that made it there.
December 20th, 2012
I have only started paying attention to this page recently. Only ever notice one of my shots on there. Would be amazing if you got a notification that your shot had hit the PP page
December 20th, 2012
I am not aware of a search for this but I have something on my profile page that shows all the PP photos that you are aware of.

When I notice (or someone else tells me that a photo has been on the PP, I edit the photo and add the tag bulldog-pp

If you then search for this, (bulldog-pp), you can copy and paste the URL into you profile like this: My Popular Page shots: http://365project.org/tags/bulldog-pp
December 20th, 2012
@gphelps5 nice idea Bulldog.

The issue I have is that I can not access to view the PP that often so one might hit but you miss it.
December 20th, 2012
I know what you mean Richard, it is normally someone else who tells me when I am on there.
December 20th, 2012
@gphelps5 thats it. I have a feeling that maybe 1 or 2 of mine have hit but I dont tend to get that many FAVs. Lots of views and comments though. I know for fact that 1 hit as I saw it and saved a screen print.
December 20th, 2012
@gphelps5 You're such a smarty. I actually had a pic hit the PP a while back, so I went to tag it and it took me a while to remember which one it was! It wasn't one I particularly liked, which is probably why I couldn't remember. Strange thing, the PP.
December 20th, 2012
@greyfeather I put forth a request last year about the possibility of incorporating PP appearances into the ACE stats... Ross thought it an interesting idea at the time but I don't think he ever moved on it. I still think it's a great idea to be able to go back and see that kind of info. Maybe for Christmas, @Scrivna ?
December 20th, 2012
I got this idea from someone else profile originaly, I can not remember whose it was though.
@brav @m9f9l

That is a great idea Amy, but it would be nice if we could even have a email notification when we are on the PP or Top20?
@aspada @Scrivna
December 20th, 2012
Would be awesome to get a notification if PP or New Faces.
December 20th, 2012
it happened to me to ,my first photo here was on PP ,I didn't know til many ppl said congrats to me!
December 20th, 2012
With the replies I've received I have to assume there is no way a person can find out if they have past photos that were featured on the popular page. The only way to get a heads up is if someone finds your pic and comments about the PP or if you monitor the page yourself?

@Scrivna I'd like an email notification of making PP or Top 20 or have it be part of the ACE stats as mentioned earlier in this thread. Thanks.
December 20th, 2012
@aspada perfect idea!
December 20th, 2012
that's a good idea about the notifications of being on the Popular Page. It changes every 15 minutes or so but could be a good addition. Thanks
December 20th, 2012
Hmmmm, had no idea the page changed so often; so chances are I've made the list before and never knew about it! Hopefully Ross can figure out a way to notify us!

I just revisited the PP and the images haven't changed since last night!
December 20th, 2012
@Scrivna @greyfeather I thought maybe the reason we didn't get notified, was to push people to go and make an effort to view the Popular page, which i thought was a pretty good idea. If people don't make an effort to go and view the page on a regular basis, view photos, comment on photos and fav photos then that would also effect the top 20 as well. I am playing the devils advocate here. Don't get me wrong, It would make it easy if we got notified, but I think you would be taking away a lot of the surprise factor of actually going and seeing your own pic on the pop page as well as not pushing people to make the effort of viewing, commenting and faving pics on the PP to push the best into the top 20??????? Just a thought to ponder. @gphelps5 I too have done what you did. Each time one of my photos hit the PP (and I watched religiously and am sure I may have missed a couple as some times they hit and disapear with in a day) I would TAG them to one of the links you see below.

Featured on the Popular Page http://365project.org/tags/sjess-pp

Featured on the weekly top 20 chart http://365project.org/tags/sjess-top20

Featured in themes & challenges http://365project.org/tags/sjess-themes-challenges

Featured in newspapers & awards http://365project.org/tags/sjess-newspaper-award
December 20th, 2012
@m9f9l Well I guess the PP could be thought of as strange - being a numbers game to a certain extent - shots with only a few FAVs can make it on occasions. I've only had two and I think one of those was because it was funny that the duck close-up in the shot then bit my finger which I divulged in the caption!!!
December 20th, 2012
What is this "Popular Page" of which you speak? ;)
December 20th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Popular photos are found under BROWSE: Popular.
They are photos the staff picks as popular.
December 20th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Aaron, it's that page where most of YOUR photos wind up...! ;-)
December 20th, 2012
@grizzlysghost ha ha ha, like you dont know what the PP is. You are one funny guy...LOL I am sure you have had about 200 on this page as the ones that get viewed, commented and faved from here are the ones that get on to the top 20 and you have had a ton on top 20 tooo... Love your photography, Like I have said before.... Wished I lived closer to you so I could be a photo buddy. Have a Merry Christmas!
December 20th, 2012
@shirljess Haha, that would be fantastic! Thanks Shirley! :)
@socalgal ;-)
December 20th, 2012
@shirljess - Nice one!

@grizzlysghost - Ha ha ha....
December 20th, 2012
@grizzlysghost you are not right ;)

@gphelps5 you got the tagging idea from @grizzlysghost
December 20th, 2012
It helps if you tag them when you see one or someone tells you. My tag is mso'spp and I also edit the shot with the date it was on as best I can. That way I can see how long they stay one and what makes it.
December 20th, 2012
@grizzlysghost I thought that the PP was your personal gallery when I started :)-
December 20th, 2012
@jsorensenart Hahaha, very funny Jake!
December 21st, 2012
I rarely get a chance to view the PP ... I've seen some of mine but I think there should be a way we can find out if we ever made it other times. It should be documented somewhere.
December 21st, 2012
Haha. I surely do know exactly how many of my shot made it to the PP :-)
December 21st, 2012
@greyfeather If your photo has 3 or more Favs it's worth checking the PP to see if it's made it - usually the day after you post but sometimes 2 days. It's worth popping by now and again just to see all the great shots on there anyway. And sometimes you can get LOADS of favs and it doesn't appear (my record is 26). It's designed to stop the same people being on all the time and give more people a chance. Now I'm having a dodgy patch I don't need very many Favs to feature!!
December 21st, 2012
@judithg Ever since I started this thread I've checked the PP several times looking for the monkey's picks! Ross mentioned the shots on the PP change every 20 minutes but each day I check the page I see my photo is still there--Yeah!!! This amateur only uses a point and shoot and knows very little about processing so I'm thrilled to be included on the PP!

When looking for people to follow I have always just browsed photos by tags that I like...which is mostly wildlife--feathers and fur! Now I have another place to look on the popular page.

December 21st, 2012
Once I realized that members don't get notified when they make PP, I began trying to give a heads up to those I follow, in case they might miss it. That would be a sad thing.

In addition to checking out the popular page, try taking a peek at the latest page and the new faces page. It's amazing what you can happen upon.

December 21st, 2012
@pasadenarose thanks for the suggestion! Hopefully Ross will soon set up notifications for all the features!
December 21st, 2012
@grizzlysghost LOL!

@shirljess @gphelps5 Thanks for the great suggestions. I just created a tag for mine.
December 21st, 2012
@greyfeather Oh yes - if it keeps being viewed and Faved it stays there for quite a while. I'd like PP to have some formats where the boxes aren't square because sometimes the vital bit of a photo is cropped off and I'm sure I miss some great pics - but on the whole it does a great job.
December 22nd, 2012
@greyfeather When Ross says they change 'every 20 minutes' or so I don't think he means every shot is replaced that often. Some, that have had a good run, are deleted and other new ones take their place, depending on the views and favs the shots are still getting. As Judith @judithg says, if your shot is still being viewed and faved then it will stay until interest wanes.
@pasadenarose Many of us do this as a friendly heads up to our followers and followees and it's a good idea; especially when you see that the person is a newbie and may not know about the PP.
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