My Person 365 Account No Longer Functions

August 5th, 2014
Has anyone here run into the following problem? I upload a picture, the uploading process starts, then stops after about 1/4 inch from the screen. A few seconds later, it says "Upload complete." But when I try to find the photo to label it, the "Uploads waiting" link does not appear. I've tried all three internet browsers - Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer. I've restarted my computer. I've tried uploading pictures from another computer, but have the same problem. I've emailed Ross and he can't find anything wrong. Yet, at the same time, I have no problem uploading pictures to my emails, to Facebook, and to Dropbox. I've concluded my personal account has malfunctioned for no apparent reason.

I'm beginning to wonder if it's time to give up the Project, and be thankful for the time I've had here - almost two years. Just wanted my followers to know why I've been absent. I have one photo that's currently climbing, but probably not quite high enough to make it to the TT. It's of a Kansas sunrise. And that's what I've loved posting - the beautiful Kansas sunrises and sunsets. Here's the link if you care to see it:
If it makes it there, I'll consider that a nice way to say good-bye to this wonderful project and community. If not, thanks for a fantastic experience. I've loved every minute of it!

Love, Kareen King

P.S. Sorry for the typo on my title: It should be "My Personal 365 Account . . ." But, I can't edit the title.
August 5th, 2014
I will certainly miss you if you quit! I love how you've shown us the beauty of Kansas. I had to quit for a while when I was so stressed out about my job, but when I made the decision to quit my job, one of the first things I did was get back to 365. I had really missed it and realized how much it helps me to keep striving for a good photo!
I had trouble uploading pictures the other day, but it worked the next day.
August 5th, 2014
Maybe it will come back....don't quit Kareen....:)! We would miss Kansas!
August 5th, 2014
@kareenking Try to upload a pic in first place/no.1, dated 30 Aug 2012. If that works it my clear something and allow you to add to todays date.
August 5th, 2014
Kareen, I will be so unspeakably sad if you leave 365. Getting to know you and your work is one of my favorite parts of time spent here. I love seeing your Kansas sunrises and precious dickie birds. Seeing Kansas through your lens reminds me of what my parents grew up with. Reading about your work with the elderly helps connect me to where my mother is now. I'm sorry if I sound like I'm pleading, but I truly benefit from your project and would hate to miss out on it. Please give the site time to work out the uploading problems and then keep on uploading. That's my two cents' worth.
August 5th, 2014
@mbemis Awww, Mannie. You just made my day. Tears. Seriously. I will persevere, even if it means having to start a new account. Bless you. :)
August 5th, 2014
@amfrumbiddivurd Thanks, Andy. I'll give it a try.
August 5th, 2014
@lynnz Thanks, Lynn. I appreciate your kind words. :)
Maybe it'll magically resurrect. Or maybe I'll have to start a new account. Or maybe I'll take a breather. Not sure.
August 5th, 2014
@nanderson Awww, thanks, Nancy. :)
August 5th, 2014
@kareenking I will miss seeing my FENCE!!! Love your sunsets! Yes, persevere!!! It will be worth it!
August 5th, 2014
but you can't leave...i love your you need to host the next six word story as you won!!!
August 5th, 2014
@amandal What? I won? Can you send me the link? I had no idea! And thanks for your kind words. :)
August 5th, 2014
I've had that happen before when trying to upload. The situation usually resolves itself. I share the sentiments of other 365ers, it would be such a great loss if you left.
August 5th, 2014

I had such a hard time deciding which of your shots to put in the top 6, also loved the darling, papparzzi one. Anywho, for some reason the story of the dog one spoke to me more and everyone else as you won:). Wanna start the next?
August 5th, 2014
@kareenking If that didn't work u can try deleting the last photo and adding again, computers work in funny ways. There are so many flaws and imperfections on this site, I noticed 8 in my first week.
August 5th, 2014
@nanalisarocks Thanks so much, Lisa. That means a lot. :)
August 5th, 2014
@amandal Thanks so much, Amanda. Is there a certain deadline to get the next one started? It's a crazy day, and I want to wait and see if I can get my account issues resolved first.
August 5th, 2014
Do it when you worries. I did tag a shot for it today, but that's ok.
August 5th, 2014
I love your work and would hate to see you go. I have noticed that if I include an odd character in the jpeg name that my uploads fail. Can't remember what characters have caused my uploads to fail, but now I title them after uploading. Have you tried renaming the jpeg image?
August 5th, 2014
Sometimes it jumps back to the home page for me, but then above the top picture, under all the drop down menus there is a box that says I have uploads waiting and a link to Organize them???
August 5th, 2014
@hopess13 Thanks, Rachel. Unfortunately the "Uploads waiting" link doesn't appear. So frustrating.
August 5th, 2014
Kareen don't leave I love you work and would miss you. Hang in there don't get frustrated over this computer clitch. We pray that it fix itself. Keep trying.
August 5th, 2014
Kareen, have you dropped @scrivna a note to explain the issues you are having? Seems a shame to give up 365 if you love it so for the sake of a few computer gremlins :(
August 5th, 2014
I had a problem within the past month when trying to upload a photo. First time it ever happened. I gave up after awhile and did something else. I can't remember now if I tried a couple hours latter to if it was the next day, but it worked. I thought that maybe they were working on the server where my account resides and it kept me from uploading??? Have to tried a different browser to upload. I used to use Mozilla's Firefox and sometimes it would act up. Sometimes the upload button would disappear which was a Adobe Flash problem.
August 5th, 2014
Hi Kareen,

I've sent you an email, I've logged in to your account and uploaded a photo just fine. Hopefully the issue has sorted itself, if not, I think you may have an issue on your computer.

All the best,
August 5th, 2014
Hi Ross,

I received your email and I appreciate your efforts. Yes, your upload "took." Mine have not, not even from my husband's computer. And I've just had my laptop inspected at a computer shop, so I'm totally bewildered.

Next step? Open another account or wait awhile?

Thank you kindly,

August 5th, 2014
@skipt07 Thanks for your input, Skip. I appreciate it. I've tried it all. Am completely befuddled. Even Ross was able to upload a photo into my account. Sigh . .
August 5th, 2014
@pixiemac Thanks Sarah. Yes, Ross and I have exchanged several emails. If nothing else, I'll start a new account.
August 5th, 2014
@cathrinemitch Thank you, Cathrine. :)
August 5th, 2014
@aecasey Thanks, April. I haven't tried renaming them. Hmmm . . . I'll try that.
August 5th, 2014
Kareen...try resizing your photo...make it smaller...much smaller...then upload it. Also wait quite a while after you've uploaded before you decide it hasn't worked.
August 5th, 2014
@swilde I tried resizing and waiting and it still didn't work! :(
August 5th, 2014
I'm wondering if you tried emailing the photo to your account? When we go to upload it says you can also upload by emailing to .....etc. I would be really unhappy to have to start another account but I know some people have had to. I would hate to see you finish, your photography is beautiful.
August 6th, 2014
@bella_ss Thanks for your kind words, Sheralee. Yep, I tried emailing a photo to my account and it came back as a "failure notice" due to "technical difficulties."
August 6th, 2014
Kareen, you have tagged yourself in the message and not Ross.
August 6th, 2014
@bella_ss Haha, Sheralee! That is not the first time I've done that today! Thanks for letting me know. My brain has turned to mush.
August 6th, 2014
Hi Ross,

I have now discovered that I can upload a photo by email as long as the file is tiny. I mean tiny. In other words, almost every photo I try sending gets returned to me as a failure notice saying it exceeds the file size. Plus each upload takes several minutes. This is totally not working.

Do I need to set up a new account? I sure hate to do so, because of all the time it's taken to build followers, etc.

If you can think of anything else, I'm all ears.


August 6th, 2014
@kareenking Don't worry, I've done it before too :)
August 7th, 2014
Really hope @Scrivna or someone else can help you sort this out Kareen. It would be such a shame to feel you have to give up. I'd miss your shots so much - your Kansas sunrises are superb, and you're such a faithful follower too.
August 8th, 2014
@dolphin Thanks so much, Molly. I really appreciate your kind words. I may have to start a new account. I can't upload anything to my account unless it's through email. And my email won't accept any sunrise or sunset photos because there's too much memory. It's become quite burdensome to keep running into roadblocks! Thanks for caring. :)
August 8th, 2014
Only one person can possibly offer a solution! Alexis Birkill where are you?!? @abirkill
August 9th, 2014
Oh, man...don't leave us...And for darn sure, don't take down the old account if you have to switch. Some of my favorite FAVs are in there! Have you tried uploading from the public library? Frank and I did a lot of internet stuff there during the months we were out of our house and had no internet access at the "Old Home Place" I uploaded lots of my 365 pictures from there.
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