Posting multiple shots on the same day

March 11th, 2016
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing I have, but it seems that when I post multiple photos on the same day, the first one doesn't usually get looked at or commented on. Yesterday I was trying to catch up and posted five shots. The last couple got quite a few comments and favs, but the very first one, which was my fav of the five got zero. Just curious. And a question for Ross, @Scrivna, when you consider pictures for the theme challenge, etc., do you ever consider a shot that has zero comments? Again, just curious, because I realize my shots are not in the same category as those of the great amount of awesome photographers on 365, but I just wondered if the amount of views an image receives is a determining factor. Thanks.

March 11th, 2016
yes i notice that when i post mulitple shots people limit their commenting and I do the same, to the most eyecatching one, just so the person gets feedback, rather than each image if that makes sense, i usually try to space them out and post regularly for that reason.
March 12th, 2016
I have to admit that I usually only comment on 2 shots per person as I have limited commenting time. Perhaps others are in the same boat?
March 12th, 2016
Yes, unfortunately I don't always have time to comment - or to thank everyone for their lovely comments and faves, which really is a downer. Have also been surprised at the popularity of some shots that I think are just "MEH" and the lack of reactions to shot that I myself adore. Photography is a very personal journey! One that I greatly enjoy, regardless. :)
March 12th, 2016
As I agree with Rachel @888rachel , I have limited commenting time. Try to comment more than 100 photos per day can be very time consuming.
I usually pick the best photo when someone post multiple photos... in your case yesterday I prefer the 3rd photo.
March 12th, 2016
if people don't see them all come up in the feed they may not realise you have posted a few because when you go to someones albums only the latest from each is a thumbnail - if I have time I try to catch up with as many as I can but as others have said sometimes there is not time
March 12th, 2016
@kali66 @888rachel @juliedduncan @leestevo @annied thanks for the feedback.
March 12th, 2016
When behind and wanting to catch up, you can do this over the course of a week, posting 2 within each 24 hour period. There is also a way you can post so that you can post several without having them show up in your followers feed -- I think you click 'private' when you post it, and then after it's up, you can go in and click off 'private' so that they are visible. That avoids overwhelming a follower's feed. Finally, if you are catching up but would like feedback on a specific one of the group, you can write 'no need to comment here, but please see...[insert link] so that you get feedback on the one(s) most important to you.
March 12th, 2016
@taffy thanks. Those are good suggestions I didn't think of.
March 12th, 2016
Yes I find that if too many shots from the one person come up together you tend to by pass them.. spread them out rather than putting them all on at the same time..
March 12th, 2016
I don't have time to comment on more than a couple of shots from any one person on any given day. As usual, @taffy has made some excellent suggestions which would channel comment to one or two shots, but allow you to post what you wanted to.
March 12th, 2016
I've had a similar issue lately. Guess everyone is as busy as I have been.
March 12th, 2016
It can be very time consuming commenting on every picture. I tend to run through my feed and if someone has uploaded a lot of pictures I will only comment on a few of them. As has been mentioned try to spread out you shots, only uploading around two at a time. Depending on how much time I have available I sometimes upload in the morning and then again just before shutting down before going to bed.
March 12th, 2016
I also find that other 365ers often prefer different shots of mine that I've posted from the ones which I myself like. Remember too that if anyone is coming to your photos from clicking on a comment you have made on their shot they will be taken to your default album.
March 12th, 2016
Hi, yeah absolutely, I get up a list of all the entries and look through them all. There's quite a few occasions when I pick photos with very few comments or people that are new with only a few followers, so everyone is welcome to enter
March 12th, 2016
I too have limited competing time but if I view will always give a star
March 12th, 2016
Like others above have said, it can be so time consuming here to comment on everything, so I also may only comment on one or two if there are multiple shots put up by a person.
I notice that happens on mine, too. I seem to get the most comments on the shot I put in my main album and if I put one in the second album, it doesn't do as well.
March 12th, 2016

I find the same (with a few exceptions) and I wish I was more disciplined and only put one shot on each day!!!
March 12th, 2016
I have been really struggling at the moment to post, Life has just got in the way!! but on the rare occasion I get here I love to spend some time looking through I'm just sad that I haven't been able to comment as much as I would like of even reply to the comments made on my pictures....forever hopeful my situation will change and I can get more involved here again.
March 13th, 2016
@susie1205 Don't stress about any of this stuff. One of the best things about 365 is that people are very understanding and tolerant of others' hiccups. Everyone I 'know' on 365 has times when posting/commenting is very difficult, if not out of the question. If you get way behind, just follow the instructions from @taffy and post to your albums without flooding the feed while posting a couple of the best shots. Chillax.
March 14th, 2016
@golftragic I love that you said "chillax." I agree with everything you said. My kids would be proud of you, for the use of that verb. :)
March 14th, 2016
@rosiekerr Pity I'm so bad at chillaxing myself.
March 14th, 2016
@quietpurplehaze @susie1205 @golftragic @rosiekerr @golftragic thanks for the feedback. I will take your suggestion, @golftragic and try to chillax. Love that word. LOL
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