How much time do you spend on 365...?

April 5th, 2016
I'm curious - how much time do you spend on 365? Or on photography in general?

I signed up to 365 to get into the habit to carry a camera with me every day. And to review and edit my photos (rather than keeping hundreds of rubbish shots). I've not *yet* found the time to do post processing - but some of you are doing loads of awesome effects, and taking great photos too!

So I'm curious as to how long you are spending on a daily basis before presenting your 365 image...?
April 5th, 2016
Ha! Good question. Below you will probably see some 'way too much' coming up :-) I look 'now and then' during the day (I work online with computers and stuff). Editing is mostly done in front of the telly (there are hardly any decent programs anyhow). Replying and commenting has been brought down to a minimum. I tend to comment only when I feel the need to do so, not to get as much as responses in return. Also I contribute to projects which, in some cases will keep me busy all week for a single photo. In other words I'm a member who found a nice balance between on- and offline.
April 5th, 2016
Shooting, editing, and commenting usually take me about 1.5 hours total. If I'm having a busy week, I shoot and edit on the day but only comment once every 2 days. The commenting takes me about 45 mins to an hour alone.
April 5th, 2016
It depends greatly on so many factors - Wether I had time to actually go out and go shooting (as opposed to snapping a picture "on the go"), whether there is time during the day to edit at all, whether any of the kids is home sick and always want something etc etc... What I can say for sure, I used to spend way much more time thinking about what to shoot, trying many things out and shooting and then selecting an image (i didn't know about editing back then), than I do now. Most of the days, it's a "on the go" picture. Now, over a year into the project, it is also easier for me to "stop" - once I feel I have something presentable, it's easy for me to stop thinking about taking photos entirely till I have time to post it.
With commenting, it's a different story - there are some days where I don't feel like typing anything, although I do enjoy browsing other people's photos. Sometimes, especially after a long "silence" I try to take a couple of hours in front of the TV to actually look and comment, especially if a photo grabs my attention.
So overall, I would say for me on regular days (with no sightseeing etc, not trying a new technique for Get Pushed challenge), it's keeping my eyes open all the times by default, taking about 5-10 mins to take a picture, especially if I am asking one of the kids to pose for it ( they can't do longer than that), and then about up to 15 mins editing. I only edit one though - the one I decided to post. Usually, delete most of the rest.

I think a big factor is also what you want this project to be. If you have specific goals to learn new ways of photographing, it would take longer for sure. For me, most of the days, it's documenting (in a nice way) what's going on around me. With occasional learning exercise. So overall, I would expect it to be different for everyone on any stage of their journey through 365.
April 5th, 2016
When I first started I spent hours on here viewing and commenting, building up a great bunch of followers and enjoying lots of funny and interesting banter with others. Unfortunately life has got in the way and I'm lucky to find five minutes to post my quick unedited " snapped on the go" photo. I really miss the involvement I used to have and hope to get it back one day.
April 5th, 2016
I'm a bit like you LittleQueenie as far as reasons for joining. I probably spend around an hour a day total. Most of my photos are pretty much SOOC but with some cropping and a quick filter thrown over it. I just haven't got time to edit that much, mainly because I am not very good at it and it takes me ages to get it right. I do have some lightroom presets that make it easier to process though. Viewing and commenting take up time on top of that, but I just do that when I have a spare minute here and there.
April 5th, 2016
There are days, usually at the beginning of the week when hubby has just left for work and I am on my own, when I spend a couple of hours commenting on other photos.
Then the weekend rolls around and hubby is back (almost typed huggy instead of hubby but that would have been true too!) and my time is nil - I may be able to upload one or two unedited pics but that is it.
I like to comment on others when I can because I know how encouraging it is to have acknowledgement from others on your work rather than just posting into cyberspace and wondering if anyone out there knows you exist.
But, then, time is limited for that and we all do the best we can.
April 5th, 2016
Ooops ... for the actual photos - I think about what I want to do for my next challenge, or picture, and then I usually carry the camera when I am out and about and grab that picture on the way so it does not interrupt my day too much. Camera is then also available when neat situations arise.
I will also take an hour out of my day on special days to go for a walk or set-up a shot but these take pre-planning my busy farming days to work this in.
all in all, 365 does take time but time well spent.
It is my way to record our life for family who do not live close to us.
April 5th, 2016
Usually I use an hour long evening radio session of the community that brought me into photography to edit and publish my daily shot. This gives me a daily rhythm and makes me do the shooting part beforehand. If I miss the time shooting, editing and publishing is left after 9pm which really limits the possibilities.
Setting up and shooting takes somewhere between half an hour and an hour, editing and publishing is about the same.
Browsing photos and commenting is usually left for working hours, a bit of downtime here, another chunk there, about an hour total. Less than I want, more than I have.
April 5th, 2016
I'm pretty new to the project so I have spent a lot of time, maybe an hour a day viewing, commenting and following in order to make my presence known and start to build some relationships. Photo wise, I guess an hour to an hour and half on average. I took a recommended tutorial by Kim Klassen on how to use Lightroom, and that has proved a real time saver, because my work flow in managing my photos and editing is very efficient thanks to that tutorial. So maybe another 45 minutes in Lightroom importing and sorting and editing one or two photos for publication. On rare occasions I will spend a couple of hours messing about with photos in LR and PS but that is because I enjoy it and it relaxes me. Making connections is the most important part of Project365 in my opinion. That is how I learn.
April 5th, 2016
@mastermek Snap! I used to spend way to much, but now I pop in during the day and edit at night while maybe watching a show or doing other things on the computer. I wish I had more time to comment but my days are too busy.
I usually only spend 5-10 mins or so editing each photo, but sometimes I'll spend more. Saying that I'm way more selective in the ones I keep now. I'll either edit or delete all my photos from the day so if its not worth editing it goes in the trash.
April 5th, 2016
@kiwichick ha. Indeed I forgot to mention the night time!

We found our difference too! I tend to keep EVERYTHING, including all layers in photoshop :-) I think I should stop doing that, eventhough it already proved it's benefits a few times...
April 5th, 2016
365 has got me in the habit of carrying my camera everywhere and I have got much better at 'seeing' photos wherever I go . The actual day to day photography therefore takes very little time - just the time it takes to get my canera out of my pocket and shoot! I'll maybe take 10-15 very different pics on an average day and choose from them. I also do very little processing for 365 - just basic levels, noise, composition - in Lightroom. I don't do set ups - everything I post is what I see going about my daily life! Commenting is done sitting down in the evening or over breakfast, and is fun! Much better than watching TV. As a contrast I also do event photography on an official basis for a number of organisations; this is very different - several 1000 pics to take over the course of 1-3 hectic and exhausting days, then selecting the best, followed by a couple of days very careful processing - very time consuming and hard work although I enjoy it . 365 is relaxing in comparison and the best thing is the community - you feel you get to know so many people by their photos and get glimpses of life all around the world. Worth every second!
April 5th, 2016
Interesting to guess is that it varies with all of us. For me, there are times I spend an inordinate amount of time processing -- a few hours on a single photo, or using one technique across several photos for practice. So daily probably averages about an hour or a little more, spread amongst commenting and processing. I usually spend an hour or more taking photos but not every day. I do weekend or a weekday photo walk and think about it as my base for the week of work, and those are usually a few hours. If I am doing a photo set-up for a theme or an idea I've had, that can take an hour of failed attempts and finally getting what I want. Daily range from 15 minutes to 3 hours but differs across days and weeks.
April 5th, 2016
Oh dear! I've lost count of the time spent on here!, I must say my OCD for housework is fading into the past. I am obsessed with 365. I shoot and edit on the day, possibly spending up to an hour editing the good and deleting the bad. Then several hours in the evening scanning other people's pics and commenting. Checking the site during tea breaks and lunchtime at work. I have abandoned Facebook for 365! It's such an inspiring site and great community! I need more hours in the day!
April 6th, 2016
Ha, it's interesting to see how different, and at times similar, the replies are! I love the fact that 365 got me into taking my camera everywhere with me, and taking photos every day, which I had never done before. I have also tried out many new things that I'd never heard of before I joined 365. I probably spend at least 30 minutes shooting stuff every day, and it can often be more if I have time. I delete many shots in-camera and try not to download more than 20 or so. I then delete a load more once I see them on the big screen, and select a couple that might make 365 to edit, which might take me half an hour or so. Then as much commenting as I have time for, which would sometimes be a couple of hours in an evening, and might then be nothing for several days ... I just go with the flow and enjoy the time I can spend here - have learned so much and had a lot of fun :)
April 6th, 2016
Same answer as everyone else - I spend more time than I want to and not as much as I should. A couple of hours, I guess, shooting , sorting, posting and deleting and a couple more on viewing and commenting and I still miss a lot of people out. I find it takes between 5 and 10 minutes for each comment: view the image; think about something constructive to say about it; read through all the existing comments to make sure sure that you're not going to repeat what someone has already said... and then comment. so about 4 hours total on the average day.

Twice in the 2+ years I have been on here I have taken the time to comment on all the pictures posted by those I follow and on all the pictures of those who commented on mine... on both occasions it took 16 hours, not counting the time to do my own photo!

April 6th, 2016
I check the site 3-4 times a day and enjoy the photos, but I don't seem to get much else done photography-wise..... lol
April 6th, 2016
After being on 365 for a while, the main bugbare is running out of our computer monthly download alocation. So l find l can't look at too many photos and then comment for too long each day, maybe half an hour. I use a tablet, and just crop, if needed, and downsize the photo. I have got very interested in the taking of photos, often I'll wander around, usually on our property, and then realize a couple or more hours have passed
April 6th, 2016
A someone who is relatively new to 365 and has a great many health problems, I find my time doing my 365 project varies from day to day. I think the most important thing I've learned so far is that this is your project and you do it your OWN way. Another important thing about 365 is the community and I found it to very giving, helpful and very supportive of my project, through followers, comments and fav's, but that's also because I also put in the effort to do the same for them. I think the amount of time you put into taking a photo, edit, posting and commenting; really depends on what you want to get out of your own project. For myself I love photography and was thinking about it as a 2nd career before my health issues sidelined it. Now I want to learn new techniques, understand how to use my camera properly, understand the finer intricacies of taking a proper photo and when I post my shot, I want it to look the best to my ability and it has to be something I'm happy with and has meaning to me. However like anything new, if it's important to you, it will take more time at first. If you have patience, allow for flexibility and put in some genuine effort; you'll be able to find your groove sooner or later and have a healthy balance between life outside and within your 365 project.
April 6th, 2016
@mastermek ahhh yes...long into the night! Just last night I received an email from Osia @panthora at 1:30 AM...both of us still up! She's taken a sabbatical from 365 to hone additional photography skills through clubs. My dinner guests had left at 11, and I wanted some time on 365, even at that late hour. I ended up commenting and didn't get around to posting one of my photos (an example of how I end up using my time...)

Daily, a camera is always at the ready...I see everything in terms of photo possibilities, but much of my photography is journaling. The bulk of time on 365 is spent looking at photos and commenting, and I don't get to nearly as many people as I'd like. If I didn't participate in this way, I could just keep a blog and it would take far less time. However, for me, the charm of 365 is the camaraderie and assistance amongst photographers, and this is the only social media in which I participate. Decidedly, the time spent on photography & post processing because of this site has improved my skills. Post processing a photo and more recently editing in textural effects can take 1-2 hours (if I can make myself quit!) To my mind, I couldn't have chosen better than to be involved here as often as time allows!
April 6th, 2016
Fascinating reading all your replies... I certainly don't regret any time I am spending here - I am looking at the 'latest' increasingly often - it presents a cool cross section of people's projects.

For me - I have taken a couple of 'filler' shots for my project - which have been kind of throw-away and quick. And occasionally I have spend quite a while getting the 'perfect' photo because I was using a new technique (like the day I took 300+ photos of my dishcloth...). But mostly I fall somewhere in between and now I've got my camera with me every day I can take a a few shots over the day and I'm done. And I'm not doing any post-processing - so as long as I've looked over all the shots I've taken and cropped one to my satisfaction - then I can upload it.

365 is a pretty cool community - I'm happy to be amongst you all.
April 6th, 2016
Way Way too much time. I'm new to the site (3 months) and sometimes spend hours at a time taking and editing pictures and commenting etc. Part of that is because I just got Nik collection and am spending a lot of time experimenting with the filters and techniques and watching You tube vids to learn. I think it will get better soon, I hope.
My sleep is getting neglected :)
I do enjoy that it is getting me out more to different places to get a variety of pictures so I don't bore myself ( or you)
April 7th, 2016
I homeschool my boys, well, they work on school on their computers. So, I work on my computer on my pictures when I can. An hour or so a day, depending on what pictures I've taken.
April 7th, 2016
Hmm, I spend about 10-15 minutes each day making my photo, often it's less than 10 minutes. My aim is to minimize the number of shots, by making an effort to get the shot I want within 1-5 shots. This reduces the time I take to select the image to use for the day. I do very little processing, it's mostly converting from raw to jpg, so processing takes about 10 minutes (mostly because my PC is so slow). So I guess, in total I spend about 30 minutes a day on my project, ideally I'd like to be able to spend more time on photography. As for visiting here & commenting, may 30 minutes a day, spread out over the day.
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