10 Days Left for Some, and 10 Reasons to Start 365! (rerun)

December 21st, 2017
10 Days Left for Some, and 10 Reasons to Do 365

I realize that for many folks on this site, December 31 will mark their 365th photo, and so I’m jumping the gun a bit to say “Congratulations” and to provide a little encouragement to those who might be visiting the site before January 1 thinking they, too, might want to become a 365er.

Before I start with 10 reasons, when I say “Congratulations” I really mean this: “What you have accomplished is HUGE. SAVOR IT. Regardless of how you arranged your album for this year, chose your subjects, acquired new techniques, made new friends (across the globe!), jumped hurdles to get a shot, battled ebbandflophojo to advance just one more day, and gained accolades or recognition in some way, GETTING TO THE 365th PHOTO IS HUGE! Wooooooooohhooooooooooo! Really, SAVOR IT.”

Now, for those who might be looking into this site because some avid 365er has told you that you have to do it, here are 10 reasons to join the 365Project Band Wagon:

1. You will have a pretty cool album that chronicles 365 days of your life (or what you see). You do not have to be a photographer, nor do you have to have a good camera. You could have a myriad of reasons to start a 365project, and all that this project asks is that you submit something for a year. Anything. I started 365 over five years ago as a writing project thinking that visual cues would be the way I could chronicle a year-in-the-life of a Daryl. I just happened to fall in love with my DSLR camera and realized I could learn how to use it here.

2. You will be a member of the “Nicest Place on the Planet’s World Wide Web,” so “shhhhh, don’t tell anyone crabby to join you."  During 365 days, you’ll find yourself in some tough struggles or celebrating something wonderful or you’re just plodding along, but if you are down for just one minute or you find you are having trouble taking a shot, you will be surrounded by people who genuinely care about you and want you to succeed in your year’s goals! And they’ll say “hip, hip, hooray” or “cracking shot” or “I’d be chuffed to get that one” or “This is Pants!” (and if you’re American like me, you’ll have to look up “cracking,” “chuffed,” and “Pants”). You might even start adopting a British accent with your friends and say the same stuff because it makes you feel like you are fluent in another language (I say that because some people still think they speak “American”). Haha! And by NICE, I don’t mean these folks can’t offer critique—or argue the merits of something controversial, but rarely will you see a discussion that’s mean-spirited. We seem to have a force field that keeps out internet “trolls.” That alone makes this place very special.

3. You will witness so many beautiful and engaging photographs that inspire you all year long. I remember when I first started, I kept clicking on tabs to see what other 365ers were taking each day. My jaw would drop at the skill and the variety of subjects! I didn’t even know how they took such spectacular shots! Then I started asking them “HOW????” and you know what? They told me!

4. You’ll get to travel the globe! Without buying one plane ticket, you’ll visit so many countries and cities/towns in your own country every 24 hours. You’ll explore culture, family traditions, religions, environments, wildlife, and food! You can dream about where you’d like to go someday, and even dream of meeting the friends you’ve made who live there! I always have a running list of places/people I’d love to see right now! And I've visited 365ers across the US and in Europe, and I've hosted a few for photo walks where I live.

5. You get an opportunity to step out of your comfort zones, but you need not take any risks.
There are plenty of opportunities to enter into some themes/competitions/challenges, and if you are new to photography, they are excellent ways to meet others like you or to share some of your own talents. I remember taking the plunge to enter a challenge by my second month I think. I have some challenges I will not miss now, and others I still love checking in on because they show me what I “could” do if I had time, just not that week. But you don’t have to do any of these things! This is your project.

6. You will converse in all kinds of Acronyms and feel very smart (but not at first…). Here is your primer: RAW, SOOC, JPEG, ISO, LR, PS, DOF, POV, AP, EXif, GIF, GIMP, —and no, I’m not going to tell you what they mean. But I will tell you one: SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera). If you start your first discussion on this site “What is SOOC?” well, you will get an earful, so tread lightly. All it means for many folks is that you did the settings or the photo has not been edited outside of taking the photo.

7. You get to own the project. Your project, your rules (so if you skip a day, so what!? Keep going!).

8. You can do selfies. Unless that’s not your thing. But you’ll enjoy the folks who have turned it into an art form.

9. What you learn could lead to other opportunities! Just think, you might decide you are a photographer after all. In 2015, I joined a photography club locally, started getting critiques, started showing my work, received photographer of the year in 2016, and I just finished an art show where I sold 7 framed pieces. You may not want to do all that, but this is a great start to exploring what you can do eventually--at your own pace.

10. You will feel super great after one year! AND you might just be able to make your mark with some word you have created for this site alone. For example, I end long narratives accompanying my photo with the word HOT DOG! It’s a very coveted word. I give people points for their narratives and for going to the end of mine. I haven’t gotten around to an all-time award for those wonderful folks who read everything of mine, but if they do, HOT DOG helps you focus on what is yours and yours alone.

Wishing everyone the greatest joy at the end of your projects! Happy New Year. And join in on the fun you wannabe 365ers—WELCOME!

Love, Daryl

December 21st, 2017
What she said! Welcome to a crowd of some of the nicest people you'll ever meet.
December 21st, 2017
Hot dog!
December 21st, 2017
#6 - yes, you will get an earful but a friendly, motherly, kindly sort of earful.

and if you're a hands-on learner, i would tell you that all the photography lessons i took before 365 were a complete waste of time and money. everything i know about photography i learned here on 365. i still have a lot to learn but i know this is the place where i would learn them.

welcome to 365, your future happy place!
December 21st, 2017
Totally agree with you Daryl!!

In addition I've also made some great 'friends' who I've never met, and probs will never meet! Agree with Vikki @summerfield about learning on here too, ask and you will be advised and supported!! Be warned, after a while you get asked how to too though!!

Thanks for putting on this thread.
December 21st, 2017
@darylo Such a wonderful thread, thanks for making me smile. I have just completed my first year, everything you say is true! It is one of my greatest learning by doing or asking experiences. I have received so much help and advice for which I am very grateful. A magnificent site that gets one hooked and a real eye opener for nature and what one would normally not see around the world.. I am so looking forward to the coming year and seeing the magical shots of fellow 365'ers.
December 21st, 2017
Daryl. Very well said and thank you for putting into words what many may feel but not express ☺️
December 21st, 2017
Well done Daryl, and I agree with every word you say.
December 21st, 2017
Beautiful words! I've breezed in and out over the years and the one thing that stands true in this community is the love and friendship you develop over the years. Some I have treasured like family.

I started here 6 years ago (wow its been that long) and am now a professional portrait photographer and doing a degree. This can be the making of dreams come true.

Congratulations to all that have completed and a big welcome to all those who are just starting. I look forward to being back with this gorgeous community and making new friends
December 21st, 2017
I found this group at the end of June but have been doing the challenge since January 1st. I really don't know if I want to do another 365 but I want to do some sort of other challenge if I don't. I did a 52 week the year before. Anyone have ideas? I would post the ones I do this coming year here even if they are not every day. It was enjoyable but also a little disappointing cause I thought I would greatly improve and I can't see it. On the up side I used only my dslr and never missed a day :) congrats to all
December 21st, 2017
@darylo Your words are inspiring me all over again. Thank you for putting your thoughts and great advice out there. I absolutely agree with all you have written. I will be starting my 6th year on 1st February (because I didn't get my act together on 1 January and I would miss my daily fix from friends and followers). I have found that being a 365er is so addictive but in a good way.

BTW I just love your 'ebbandflophojo' description - very fitting.

To all those fellow 365ers both old and new - welcome and have a wonderful and photographic 2018
December 21st, 2017
Well said, friend! I can't believe Year 6 is coming up!
December 21st, 2017
I will begin year #8 on January 1- wow! I didn't even think I'd be able to complete year #1 when I started. The way I approach my project has adjusted through the years, but it's always been with the goal in mind to keep it fun and not a drudgery. I love this place- first because it sparks my creativity and second (and more importantly) because the people have made such a huge impact on me as a photographer.

Well said Daryl! And if I might be so bold as to offer another point (#11),

365 will teach you to really see the world around you. You will suddenly begin to notice EVERYTHING and take pictures of it! You will notice the center of flowers, people's faces, the way light is falling across your dining room table, the reflection of trees in a puddle and much, much more! Things like brushes, bottle caps, tools, rust, peeling paint and cutlery which were formerly mundane and never got a second glance from you, will now turn into your latest subject and you will marvel at how beautiful they can be when viewed through the lens of your camera. Your family and friends, and especially your neighbors, will begin to wonder about your mental health status as you wander about your yard or up and down your street, stopping every 5 steps to photograph something. But you will just smile knowing that if they could see what you've come to see, they'd be doing exactly the same thing! And maybe, just maybe, one of your pictures will enable them to see it.
December 22nd, 2017
@darylo always well said Daryl
into my 5th year and everything Daryl says is spot on - 365 is an amazing place to learn, meet awesome folk (some virtually others IRL), visit the world through the eyes of others and share your world through your eyes - dive in and enjoy!
December 22nd, 2017
Wonderfully written, Daryl - you summed up the 365 project perfectly - and I have to add Ann's addition is a tremendous bonus to what you learn. Opens up a whole new world. There's not another place like this. Feel sorry for those who don't know about it :)
December 22nd, 2017
@randystreat YES! Welcome!
December 22nd, 2017
@dbj_365 Points!! Haha!
December 22nd, 2017
@summerfield I'm 100% self-taught with 365 as my classroom. Could not agree more! One Night Stands strerched me and Camera Settings Challenge honed my skills. The exchanges here are priceless!
December 22nd, 2017
@30pics4jackiesdiamond I love asking and being asked. Camera Settings Challenge really was my favorite place to do that too. I owe so mamy friends here thanks for the help!
December 22nd, 2017
@ludwigsdiana CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
December 22nd, 2017
@johnsutton it's really how I feel and glad it rings true with others.
December 22nd, 2017
@jack4john Many thanks! I'll be starting a 6th year (in time only--I did 2 years full, but then had to slow down, but I can't shake this place).
December 22nd, 2017
@silverhorn it has launched a small second business for me, and it was great to know this place helped me get there!
December 22nd, 2017
@melmarie3 CONGRATULATIONS! After my first and second year each, I took a monthlong break to determine new goals for the next year. I set specific camera skill and processing goals too. After the second full year, I decided to post as I liked and try to stay involved as I could. Hope that helps!
December 22nd, 2017
@kiwinanna starting my 6th year here too. It's a relationship I value so much.
December 22nd, 2017
@kiwinanna ebnandflophojo is real. HA
December 22nd, 2017
@taffy Glad we are still here. ♡♡♡♡
December 22nd, 2017
December 22nd, 2017
Daryl, congratulations very well put, everything you put down there is spot on, there is nothing in there that is PANTS, you should be very CHUFFED.
I started the same time as you as yes it's been a very interesting, educational and at times hilarious pathway.
Looking forward to another very enjoyable 365 with you Daryl and everyone else on here.

@olivetreeann Totally agree with #11 too Ann

December 22nd, 2017
@darylo Me too...what a learning experience and how wonderful to have made some good friends via the site. Have a great holiday season!
December 22nd, 2017
@darylo and @olivetreeann well said, you've summed up 365 so well and my new favourite word is ebbandflophojo, I love it!!
For me, nearly at the end of year 2, I enjoy seeing what everyone posts every day, there are so many amazing photographers here. I don't always have time to participate in everything fully, but one of the great things about this site is that it doesn't matter. You can just pick up where you left off and carry on, along with everyone else who has ebbandflo in life as well as phojo.
I'll be carrying on to year 3 and looking forward to it. I don't think I could imagine life without 365, it's helped and encouraged me so much with photography but also opened my eyes to so much more of the world through 365 friends.
Oh yes, and I'm quite sure my neighbours and friends here think I've lost the plot :-)
December 22nd, 2017
@markp You know I was talking directly to you about my vocab acquisition! :) Cheers to another year!
December 23rd, 2017
@darylo Yes, I had a good idea as I read it, I thought they are all mine. However I also seem to think you learned quite a bit of Japanese.
We won't mention your Goldfish .
You did list some of my English colloquial words, however I think you missed a word I am not claiming to have invented, but I think I was the first to introduce on to 365. Recently I have seen it appear in several images, but I am sure I was the very first to introduce Grandmonster's !!
Muddy or otherwise !

They appeared in my very first post on here....

which has just given me an idea for a new post here in just over a week .
December 23rd, 2017
@darylo thankyou so much Daryl for such encouragement. Because life seems to have got in the way for the last 2 or 3 months I have lapsed and somewhat lost my phojo but I have renewed my ACE membership and now go into my 4th year feeling more enthusiastic about my photos and keen to get back to this wonderful community.
December 24th, 2017
@markp Yes, I will not say the fish's name ever again. I have learned my lesson. Will be looking in the coming week! Love the grandmonsters--especially in the mud. :)
December 24th, 2017
@inthecloud5 This is a special place that I cannot let go. I've resolved to stay here, but my interaction time, for about 3 years now, has been very limited. Honestly, I look back on the first year and wonder how I did the posting, the commenting, the challenges, and did not lose my family. But I gained a family here too. I have to do things as I am able, especially these days, but I don't plan on leaving 365 even though I haven't done a proper full 365 in years now! Congrats on year 2! :)
December 24th, 2017
@cruiser Glad you are back! I renew every year hoping I'll be better at posting. Such a wonderful place.
December 24th, 2017
@annied It always feels like we've been through a lot together as another year comes around. Special place here.
December 24th, 2017
@milaniet I started out with birds as subjects (still my first love) and I only knew 4 types of birds. Now I can spot a bird, tell you all about it, when it nests, what it eats in my backyard, how its parents will teach it to fly, etc. I have developed an inner sense of my surroundings I never had. I'm convinced my photos of when things bloom would help scientists study the erratic weather patterns!
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