
February 4th, 2021
For quite a while now I have noticed that some fav a photo, but there is no fav in the star where it is supposed to be. I suppose many are not aware of the fact that if only written, it does not count. Am I wrong in my line of thought and has anyone else noticed this?
Ps. not talking about my photos but the ones where I comment on and see the written favs but none appear in the star.
February 4th, 2021
I do see this too, sometimes on my photos and sometimes on others. I also think some people forget to click the star
February 4th, 2021
I think people leave a comment, write fav, but forget to click the star. It happens sometimes by mistake. I have even been guilty a couple of times.
February 4th, 2021
I have been asked, on more than one occasion here, to go back and press fav when I have got carried away and left the photo before clicking the ⭐

I didn't! If my thoughtful comment isn't enough for them.....

I have also I think inadvertently stopped following people by not pressing the fav, but the unfollow button, fat, fast fingers on phone
February 4th, 2021
You can only get on the top twenty page with amounts of stars. Must be very frustrating if you're trying to get on it, and you miss out by one star. Seems you need every one you can get. If you don't receive 20+ you don't stand a chance. Personally I am grateful every fav I received, starred or not.
February 4th, 2021
when I was a newbie on here I typed fav but didn't realise what the star was for. Someone very quickly pointed out the error of my ways to me, I did go back and give them a star, not sure I would now though (love @30pics4jackiesdiamond)
February 4th, 2021
Not an issue I'd given any thought to...I'm so delighted to see comments and favs are just the icing on the cake.
February 4th, 2021
@granagringa @countrylassie @yorkshirekiwi @gardenfolk @kjarn @ludwigsdiana
When I saw a jpeg lifted from social media on PP due to the favs, ( and again posted on the fav fav page!)it made me realise how pointless PP is, and like Madeline I'm chuffed to have written comments and critique advising how I could improve. I'm on 365 to learn from fabulous photographers, take their advice and to document my day/week. PP and TT depends on popularity and number of followers. Fewer followers = less chance of TT.
February 5th, 2021
I think most people just forget to click the star Diana. As for me, I just take the thought and let it count. I think it's a bit tacky to go back and ask them to fav it- although in my early days here I embarrassingly did so once or twice!
February 5th, 2021
@kjarn @gardenfolk @30pics4jackiesdiamond @yorkshirekiwi @countrylassie @granagringa @olivetreeann Thanks so much for your response. I too have been asked to go back and click on the star on a few occasions, and found that weird. Therefore I stopped writing fav. I agree will all of you, just found it interesting as I am noticing it quite regularly on photos of others. I am just happy when I see many comments on my photos, many thanks :-)
February 5th, 2021
@30pics4jackiesdiamond @olivetreeann I do the reverse..I often do the fav as I am browsing....and I fav for any number of reasons...and sometimes forget to go back and leave a comment
February 5th, 2021
@ludwigsdiana I'm sorry, Diana! I hope it wasn't me and please don't hesitate to tell me if I didn't. =) Favs are so nice to get and I probably fav 50 more pics of the individuals who might give me one. LOL! My images aren't that great, but that's the way it goes. We just stick with it. Right?
February 5th, 2021
i find it is more important to leave a comment than a FAV so I tend to try to comment more and FAV only the ones that I REALLY like.
I know some members who FAV every shot they see, and I do not see how every shot could be a favourite of theirs.
February 6th, 2021
@annied I do it that way when I do not have time to comment, but that means I really like the photo :-)
@marlboromaam This mention has nothing to do with my photos Mags, I notice it when I comment on others. I just wanted to make those that those who do it, aware that if they do not click on the yellow star, it does not count. I see that every morning when commenting. You have some wonderful images, don't pull yourself down :-)
@farmreporter I find the top part of your text spot on as I do the same :-)
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