How many photos do you take?

July 27th, 2011
I've been perusing some of the projects around the site and am in awe of some of the spectacular photos posted on here! I'm new to this whole thing and was just wondering how many photos do you actually take before you get that one "wow" photo that you're happy with?
July 27th, 2011
I take about 75-150 shots a day, and sometimes I have to go back and take even more because there are no good ones! I'd like to get better at taking fewer, better shots, but for now I have to take loads to make sure I get the right combo of everything!
July 27th, 2011
It varies depending on what I'm shooting. Sometimes a whole bunch, sometimes just one. Sorry I'm not help, haha. It's all hit or miss for me depending on how motivated I am, the time of day, what I'm shooting, and how clear of an idea I have for what I want to achieve. Just keep taking pictures with whatever method works for you.
July 27th, 2011
I am happy with about 1 in 10 but then I have a picture in my head before I even lift a camera
July 27th, 2011
I'm the same as @triciaanddazzle Most days I think I take about 20 or less. If I set up a photo, it can be 30. If I go somewhere awesome, it can be a few hundred. Most days I don't take any photos until I get home from work. Somehow, most days, I manage to get three that I like, or at least three to cover my goals--this month, it's one SOOC, one BW, and one whatever. Sometimes I envy the people who live in the city, because they seems to have a lot more ops to take photos of people, and awesome architecture.
July 27th, 2011
Depends on the day. An average of 75 - 200 when I've gone somewhere specific with the intention of taking a lot of photos (record being 1,442 in three hours at a Bon Jovi concert a week ago).

Otherwise, on a day like today when I have no time or energy, maximum of five. Even if I hate them, I leave it alone and then post it the following day.
July 27th, 2011
well with my set up shots i normally dont take that many to be honest , between 10 and 20 maybe in general .... the more natural shots are simply flukes when ive taken loads and loads of shot when out and about with noting really in mind so on those days anything up to 100 i guess :D
July 27th, 2011
I'm still a bit old school in that I have wet film mentality, as a subconscious thing take about 5-10. Occasionally I go yes , you can shoot as much as you like - that way you may get something better :-))
July 27th, 2011
100 to 600
July 27th, 2011
Well, today I did a selfie and that's always hard. So I took about 70 pictures, I think. When I go and walk in my backyard I take usually about 10-20 pictures and sometimes just 1 or 2.
But when I'm out to visit a park or town, I can take up to a 100.
I think I agree with everybody else, it varies. And I think I'm lucky and have a good day when I use a tenth of my pictures in some way or another.
July 27th, 2011
sometimes I know I got it after 1-2 shots, if I don't get that feeling I take a few more, like 10. I always say "there not all framers" If I am doing a framed shot, they are usually the I got it ! shots.
If I am doind a shoot outdoors usually eagles, fox , wildlife etc. I keep shooting till they are sick of me!!!!lol
July 27th, 2011
it really depends, although a lot of the time it is between 80-100, before i feel that i have the "one":0 on rare occasions, i get it after just a couple and those are the ones that make me love photography so much..the thrill of getting the perfect shot!
July 27th, 2011
Generally just between 2 and 15; for the same reason as Lee (@asrai); I know what I want to do before I pick up my camera.
July 27th, 2011
I tell the other 365ers that I have shot with that my limit is 15 shots per location. I am easily bored and I just want to move on! Actually, I have taken more shots with my "big girl camera." Yesterday I took 2 of a caterpillar. Not a good day. Oh well, today is a new day.
July 27th, 2011
depends on the day - i would say normal days 10-50 photos, but on special day out i could take 300+ photos!!! they keep clogging up my computer though lol - the things we do for our art form.
July 27th, 2011
I take anything from 10 - 200 shots a day. It depends what I'm shooting and how I'm feeling. I'm still trying to get familiar with my new camera so it's leaning more towards the higher numbers because I'm fiddling with settings etc.
July 27th, 2011
It really depends on how motivated and inspired I am, and what I am doing, of course. There are days I take a lot, and there are days I take just one. I have gotten better about taking my camera out at least once a day and getting a photo of something. It's the only way I am going to stay on top of this project.
July 27th, 2011
I just finished my project today, and I am still not familiar with editing programs. I can handle Picnik to a certain level. So, with that said, I easily take 100 or more photos a day to get one that I am happy with, because I don't have the ability to MAKE it something that I am happy with.
July 27th, 2011
On the average, I'll take about 100 photos and manage to come up with 3 that I feel are worth posting. When I started with my Project a year and a half ago, it was more like 300 photos would yield 3 that I liked. I think that counts as improvement, haha
July 27th, 2011
Thank goodness for digital cameras...
July 27th, 2011
A lot of times to me, it's more about the concept and I don't take a lot of photos - once I decide on what I want to take. Some other times I take maybe 50 or so and only find one or two I can use. I gave up photography years ago because I hated getting all the prints and having so few live up to what I thought I saw. Love digital! And now beginning to love processing.
July 27th, 2011
Getting a WOW picture is definately subjective but generally I don't shoot more than a few pictures of different things throughout the day. From these I will find the one that will work. I only shoot hundreds of pictures when I'm documenting like during photowalks. Even then it's generaly one photo of any scene as I walk. If I find something that I think I can do better with I'll shoot no more than a few and get rid of the ones I don't want. So, maybe 2-3 of one scene, that's it.

I find I cannot overthink anything I'm photographing because then I will never be satisifed. So, I am relying mostly on my gut instinct for the majority of my pictures. I think this is what makes the whole photography process fun for me. I don't feel the need to try to perfect a picture. Either it happens or it doesn't and I move onto the next picture. I very rarely have any regrets.
July 27th, 2011
minimum 2 as I have have 2 daily folders... usually 10-20 I'd say...but no more than 200 (and that's only if I'm at an event ie wedding, party etc)
July 27th, 2011
In years gone past, I was fairly trigger happy. At the Goroka Festival in the mountains of Papua New Guinea, I took close to 1,000 photos in the morning, and considering there was 2,500 tribal performers surrounding me, I missed a few of them!

But during the 365 project of this year, I have been quite frugal, and on average, I would take between 3 - 15 shots per subject and spend a maximum of 5 minutes on each subject. If I can't get the wow shot after 5 or 6 attempts, then I start looking elsewhere.
July 28th, 2011
I take anywhere from 10-250 usually, but a lot of that is still learing to use the manual settings on my camera which I am just starting to understand now that I have started this project. I also am playing around with HDR so I bracket my shots, so sometimes 30 shots is really only 10.
July 28th, 2011
It depends on the day, but I take anywhere from 20-200 shots and then I pick about 3 that are my favorites and try to narrow to one for my picture for the day. Someone just mentioned recently that digital photos are free, so shoot away!!
July 28th, 2011
I take 10-100 on a given day, depending on what I'm looking at. ~ I may be happy with what I've shot or I may go back and take more! These shots are not usually of the same thing. I may take up to 10 of one thing, but if it doesn't seem to be right I change what I'm doing to get the shot I want. That is of course if I don't have a picture in mind. ~

Good luck in your project!
July 28th, 2011
a gajillion and then maybe I'll get lucky and one or two will be good. I consider myself a luck photographer!
July 28th, 2011
In general, when uploading to here or to my other gallery site, I find that I only use 5-10% of the shots I take.
July 28th, 2011
Some days I take only 1 and I average about 5 a day. The most I have taken in a day is 400 and that was in Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska.
July 28th, 2011
Millions for one good one...
July 28th, 2011
My flower shots that are in macro may be up to 50, but I try out a bunch of different angles and focus.
Iphone photos are usually between 1 and 5.
random photos 1 or 2 total.

The best advice I got on composition was. Take a walk around your photo idea, go to the left, the right, squat down, go around. You will find a much better shot if you see it differently.
July 28th, 2011
uh hundreds! =)
July 28th, 2011
Depends on what I'm shooting. On average I probably take no more than 20. When i was doing the water drops it was probably close to 100 but then after deleting the pictures that had no drops in it (I did a timer with continuous shooting) it was down to about 50, maybe less). If I'm doing nature type shots, usually I take more because animals can be unpredictable.

People/portraits, I would say no more than 20. I usually have an idea of what I'm looking for before I shoot.
July 28th, 2011
My average varies. Thanks to digital "replay" when I've taken a flower shot I can preview it and decide if I want to take more. Sometimes a picture happens, on the spot and I have only one chance to shoot it. But other times I have the luxury of shooting indefinitely. So, if I were pressed for an average, I'd say 20 to 40 to get 2 or 3 that are top quality. Those 2 or 3 are usually the ones that have the best of all the components that make a great picture. Right now my biggest limitation is that I don't have a camera that matches what I see and how I want to shoot it. But I'm still getting some good shots, so I keep plugging away. Lastly- don't worry about how many shots you should take, work on improving your skills by taking as many shots as will help you accomplish that goal.
July 28th, 2011
It varies ... most of my recent fruit series was between three and ten .... sometimes I take a hundred or more .... other days just one!
July 28th, 2011
couldn't say a value per-day as it varies, but since I got this camera on January 8th of this year, I've taken over eight and a half thousand shots with it. So that gives a fair idea
July 28th, 2011
I don;t take that many - it depends on where i am and what the subject matter is. I try to limit the no of pics as i have crap memory space on my laptop!
July 28th, 2011
When I have something specific in mind, usually less than 15. On days when I go out adventuring, waiting for something to actually capture my attention, usually more than 50. It depends on the day I guess. Usually, though, I'm happy with only about 1 in every 10 pictures.
July 29th, 2011
Your question made me chuckle, because I remember back in my "film days" when it was considered splurging to shoot a whole 36-shot roll of film on one photo shoot. After all, we had to pay for the developing of all those photos, even if only one or two were any good. Nowadays, using the digital camera, I often take in excess of 150....still looking for that good one or two shots. :-)
July 29th, 2011
July 29th, 2011
Uhm... as many as it takes before I get it right.
I used to take from 1 to 3 when I shot in film. Now, with my new DSLR I don't see why I would limit myself. I just take pictures, try new angles, new expositions, etc, until I just feel that I "got it"
July 29th, 2011
Depends on how much time I have or what I am shooting. A typical day, I can take anywhere from 15-100. On days where I'm trying something new (water drop) or just really like the setting (sunflowers), I can easily take 300-500.
July 29th, 2011
yeah, for me it depends. If I'm shooting my kids, I take a ton to try to catch just the right moment, and sometimes I never get it. My toddler is especially hard to catch right now. I always take a lot of water shots too. But other things, like clouds or something still I'll only take about 10-15 with different angles & stuff to see what looks good. I don't have a digital screen to look at while I'm taking the pics, just have to look through the eye hole, so I think that makes a difference. Your eye sees things differently than the camera.
I do a lot of deleting right there on the camera.
July 29th, 2011
Depends . . . some days bring all kinds of photo opportunities and I'll find myself shooting 50-100 on a regular day, or a few hundred for an actual event. Other days I have to really look around and force myself to find something photo-worthy around me, and I'll only snap one photo the whole day. Prior to starting this project, it wasn't unusual to have a day or two where I shot absolutely nothing; now I'm pushing myself to see it everyday.

And of course, every once in a blue moon you get lucky and catch that perfect moment just right with the first shot . . . never happens enough though :)
July 30th, 2011
It varies for me. Sometimes it's 10, other times it's about 70-80 Photo. It all depends on what's happening and what I have in mind. On rare occasions I'll only take 1 Photo because I get the shot I love straight away.
July 30th, 2011
first, i guess it depends on how you define a "wow" shot. do you mean one you'd print and frame to hang on your own wall, one you'd be proud to send to friends, family and/or fellow photographers or one you'd enter in a competition or exhibit.

but i have to agree with many here - it depends on how i'm feeling and what the subject is. no matter what the subject, i try to do it well, but if i'm shooting flowers, i feel i should be able to get it right in just 1 or 2 shots. if i'm shooting surfers, i feel lucky if i get 1 in 50.

my passion is living history and reenactment events. i have shot up to 1400 images in a 6-8 hour day. since those events are my main focus and passion, i'm more attentive to my settings, composition, etc - i've gotten my "success ratio" up to about 60-70%.
July 30th, 2011
I am up to photo 299... I'm still waiting for the 'Wow!' photo!
July 30th, 2011
@timtam_adams sounds like me. I haven't taken anything that made me really say "wow" yet, which is what keeps me interested :)

I caouldn't begin to say what my average number of shots is. I just click, change focus, change POV, click again, try something different. I'll be the first to say that some of the photos that others really like of mine were pure accident.
July 30th, 2011
On average, for those really fabulous shots, it takes me about 50 to 100 before I find one that makes me go "Okay, that'll do". I haven't done a "Wow" shot that has floored me yet but I do have several in my project that I'm awfully proud of at the moment.
July 30th, 2011
Usually I take one photo daily, because I often can't find good things to photograph!
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