Confess Your Photography Fantasy and Weakness!!! :D

August 21st, 2011
OK, first of this is not meant to be a downer thread, but rather to speak to openly of our fantasies, weaknesses, fear, and frustrations in photography, which hopefully, someone can encourage us, or better, give us tips. Let the negatives become positives!!! :)

My fantasy... My love for macro. I have all these ideas. All these fantasies of doing Macro shots. However, sad to say, I cannot bring myself to justify buying a macro lens, as it is EXPENSIVE! :(

My weakness and fear is taking other people's photos. For example, I see someone in pain, I could have taken a photo to see the emotion, but I can't because it might further offend him. To see random people happy, like parents playing with their kids, they might rush to me and say mind my own business. How can I get emotion-based pictures if the subjects do not give me consent? I don't want to be a paparazzi, taking pictures of people who don't like to be photographed. I don't want to intrude their privacy that's why I can't seem to take genuine people shots. (This is applicable until today only, as I may gather the guts to shoot shoot and shoot)

:) Also, post your fantasy and weakness. :)
August 21st, 2011
My fantasy is that I might one day take a photograph that I can honestly say completely satisfies me exactly as it comes out of the camera; my weakness is that I'll post-process it anyway, because that's where the real enjoiyment is!
August 21st, 2011
FANTASY :I always want to be like "DAVID LACHAPELLE" ...or "Mario Testino"

August 21st, 2011
My photo fantasy has been fulfilled. Twice :D Jon Bon Jovi, humina humina

As for my weakness, I'd say, erm, is that I hesitate / hold back.
August 21st, 2011
fantasy: Levitation shots.
weakness: I always fantasize. lol.
August 21st, 2011
Fantasy: Underwater Conceptual Photography
Weekness: Spelling
Weakness: Night Photography
August 21st, 2011
fantasy: levitation
weakness: no time!!
August 21st, 2011
Fantasy: To be able to get the one blue heron to stand just a little bit closer to the bank. It wouldn't help to have a longer camera range, he would stand just that much further away. He knows I want his photo.
Weakness: I don't want to take pictures of ugly things. They may be well composed or interesting, but I don't take the picture. Means the documentary aspect of my project lacks accuracy.

@yotan18) : I don't think avoiding taking pictures of people is a weakness. Their face and emotions do not belong to us. Maybe they don't mind, maybe they do, but we do not know. A crowd scene is different, but not a portrait style shot.

August 21st, 2011
Fantasy: That perfect crystal clear shot with bright colors right out of the camera.
Weakness: Always comparing myself (and my photos) to others!
August 21st, 2011
Fantasy: destination weddings
Weakness: Lack of confidence (although it's getting better as time goes by).
August 21st, 2011
My fantasy is to know what i am doing so i take awesome photos right out of the camera and make millions doing it =P hahaha but seriously, I just want to be good at what i do.
My weakness : lack of knowledge but mostly i'm a perfectionist which can be both good and bad
August 21st, 2011
fantasy: to take the perfect shot, the one that is able to take my breath away every time I see it
weakness: I am a perfectionist pure and simple which makes taking that perfect shot even harder to achieve
August 21st, 2011
Fantasy - to combine my two passions and take photos of cars. Not necessarily to earn a living as such, but definitely to be recognised as a semi-pro.
Weakness - fear of failing, so I don't put myself forward enough.
August 21st, 2011
fantasyis to ever do a real good haunting simple yet strong headshot like avedon =)

AND YES!!! meisel and testino are my weaknesses! hahahha =) like @gavincci
August 21st, 2011
Fantasy: to have a show of my photos as a semi-pro
Weakness: doubting my own abilities (lack of confidence)
August 21st, 2011
Fantasy: to take a macro shot so well you can see the hairs on a fly, like all the wonderful shots I see here that take my breath away.
Weakness /fear, I have saved and bought a macro lense and I wont ever get that shot.
August 22nd, 2011
Fantasy: to start up a part-time (or even full-time) photography business.
Weakness: I do not feel like I hold a candle to those who are already here in Charlottesville.
August 22nd, 2011
@terek55 maybe part time you could make a proposal and ask to coop for free , you will become you + better = then open your own business and specialize.Be open with your choice of mentors in Charlottesville. I am sure your offer would be very complimentary.
August 22nd, 2011
Fantasy - To have my own photography studio and be good enough that people will want me to photograph them/their family etc.

Weakness/Fear - My weakness is my confidence and I fear that I am not actually any good at this photography lark.
August 22nd, 2011
My fantasy - learn photo manipulation.

Weakness - I don't have enough time! My free time starts at 11 pm when everybody is asleep and I'm already too tired to think about anything but sleep. *sigh*
August 22nd, 2011
fantasy- to have enough time to dedicate to going out and about to get an amazing shot
weakness-the fact that i am inherently lazy and probably won't step too far out of my comfort zone to get that shot even if i had the time
August 23rd, 2011
@missvicki Thanks! Great ideas!
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